Looking for KDE/Qt developers to participate in ELC EU Conference

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Tue Jun 19 10:27:55 UTC 2018


We have managed to become Community Partners of the Linux Foundation's ELC EU 


We are pushing to have a booth to show off mobile and embedded KDE 
technologies to a receptive crowd. Agustín is going and will be talking about 
KDE/Qt in Automotive and embedded. If you know Agustín, you will also know he 
can more than hold his own in this area

However, I think the mobile side of things would be under-represented. Aleix 
has submitted a talk, and, although he can also help out at the booth, it may 
be a good idea to try and boost KDE's mobile tech with this crowd and have 
some more developers deliver talks and show demos about other Kirigami (maybe 
Marco would be interested?), Halium, Plasma Mobile (Bhushan?), etc.


This could help bring in new contributors from beyond our community and maybe 
attract sponsors from companies that usually attend these events.

Full disclosure: speakers get in free to the event, but procuring travel and 
accommodation is not mentioned, so I assume it will be on us.

We have a task up at https://phabricator.kde.org/T8170 if you would like to 
discuss things there. You are welcome to participate.


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