Plasma Sprint 2025 - Start organizing!

Harald Sitter sitter at
Fri Feb 14 00:46:30 GMT 2025

Hello again, hello!

You can start making travel arrangements!

Please fill in your travel details so I can think about food options and

There's also a list of hotels. If you are fine with room sharing I can sort
that out for you, drop me a private mail in that case. Obviously you can
also organize that yourself.

We graciously get the meeting rooms provided by the people of Grazer
Linuxtage, a FOSS event that is happening on Saturday. As a thank you it'd
be cool if we could do a booth on Saturday. Just need a couple people so we
can staff for an hour or two each. Please reach out to me. If you want to
give a talk we may be able to get you a spot still, be quick!

Since we are going to have a good amount of space I can fit some more
contributors. If you haven't yet signed up, feel free to do so.

If people are up for it you can also arrive a day early and/or late and I
can take you on a bit of a tour through Graz. Drop me an email if you are
interested. Don't be shy :)

If you have questions, do reach out.

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