QtVirtualKeyboard on Plasma Wayland

Devin espidev at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 14:42:23 BST 2024

Hey Aleix,

I think this is a very good idea! It could also help isolate any issues that are specific to the keyboard and not to KWin. Maliit has been pretty slow moving so it can also be worth trying out some new ideas here (ex. swipe to type).

From: Plasma-devel <plasma-devel-bounces at kde.org> on behalf of Aleix Pol <aleixpol at kde.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2024 8:52:59 PM
To: plasma-devel at kde.org <plasma-devel at kde.org>; Devin <devin at kde.org>; Aditya Mehra <Adix.Me at gmail.com>
Subject: QtVirtualKeyboard on Plasma Wayland

In recent years, we've relied heavily on Maliit as our primary virtual
keyboard. However, I thought it would be beneficial to develop an
alternative using QtVirtualKeyboard.


Consider this a PoC, I think it can be useful to make sure we're
compatible with a number of different keyboards. It's also a good way
to explore such an important but ignored part of our UX. :)

If you find it useful, tell me either here or in the repo's issues and
we'll see what needs to be done to make it properly useful for

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