Monday meeting notes from 7/2/2022

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Feb 7 15:43:12 GMT 2022

* Don't crash plasma-integration on invalid color scheme setting:
* Set proper name in desktop file for keditfiletype:
* Work around a quirk in macOS in kidletime:
* Fix font change notification in
* perf optimization in qqc2-desktop-style/qqc2-breeze-style:
* Fix opening files on remote shares in Dolphin:
* A question would be whether to backport the perf improvements in
qqc2-breeze-style to 5.24
* They are not strictly bug fixess
* But perf improvements are very welcome on mobile
[ Discussion seems to say yes go ahead]

* Did some MRs and lots of bug triage and minor bugfixes for  Plasma 5.24
* we have 6 regressions left, if folks wanna have a look:

* I did some system monitor bugfixing
* and also apparently broke a few things in kirigami with the qmlmodule port
* mostly because of random path issues
* I'm now working on an ecm module that helps with writing qml unit
tests, including having a function that adds a very simple
instantiation test for a number of items
* so that we can quickly verify that "public" qml items still work

* There's this discover ocs topic...
* The URL changes we have in 5.24 are at best a workaround, and
probably won't hit the actually affected systems soon
[apol well I know Ben is angry, I saw taht indeed there were some
providers that were not hitting the cache and Ben addressed that]
[apol I see there's a whole lot of people using unattended updates
which is fairly new and is having an impact there, the changes we are
merging today should have an impact]
[apol I should look at how it scales for people with a lot of KNS
resources that need updating on each run too]
[fvogt Would be great if someone could reproduce the issue locally
somehow If it's actually really a bug and not just missing
[nicofee There was a discussion about high requests for the providers
a while ago, but it seems to have exploded the last two? days  Any
idea why that could be?]
[apol maybe a distro enabled unattended updates by default?]
[fvogt  I suspect that there's some loop with the updater, e.g.
there's an update which fails to download, so it tries in a loop]

# Plasma
* investigated into : It
is clearly *not* a regreession but something that always happened even
in kde4 times every single time the appletsrc file is deleted. All it
can be done is a workaround in doing a cleanup of old actions every
time plasma starts from the default layout, tough all kglobalaccess
api that could do such manipulation is deprecated
* A small fix on kcms which have an header (merged):
* Helping a bit on the power kcm
* Final work on the panel keyboard navigation mrs and now all merged \o/
* More work on the plasmashell ScreenPool refactor
* please review:
* Now ShellCorona is ported ScreenPool as its single source of truth
about what screens are available, and primarychanges. Concepts like
fake screens or redundant screens are completely hidden from corona. a
redundant screen is like it doesn't exists at all for corona
* now has a fully working wayland based autotest for ScreenPool
work/mart/screenPoolLogicWaylandTest, 14 tests so far which should be
quite exaustive (maybe some day will be possible autotest a
shellcorona instance itself, even tough that looks even more
* Since is a lot of code copy from Qt's QWayland autotests, i am not
completely sure on what to do with that, both on a licensing pow (gpl3
only but since is just in an autotest should be fine) and on a code
reusing pow (also, uses some private qplatform api) . perhaps a
library exported from kwayland-server?

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