Loading RunCommand.qml file in KRunner using QRC

Alexander.Lohnau at gmx.de Alexander.Lohnau at gmx.de
Sat Aug 27 20:53:43 BST 2022

Hello everyone,
I write this mail regarding the proposed change of https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-workspace/-/merge_requests/2032.
Currently we load the main KRunner QML file “RunCommand.qml” from the look and feel KPackage. However, this has caused issues repeatedly in the past, because old/broken QML files can be loaded.
The idea from the beginning of Plasma 5 seemed to be that the design of Krunner should be changeable with the theme, however most of the code in this file is application logic.

The only issue is that the LNF mechanism is considered public API. Thus this change is considered controversial.
Merging it would mean that potential RunCommand.qml files from the LNF packages are just ignored. IMHO that is no problem.
Any thoughts?

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