Has there ever been ...

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 11:56:02 GMT 2021


Has there ever been a KWin version that was just (or predominatly) a straight port of the latest KWin4 to Qt5 and KF5?

Lately I find myself using KWin4 again because
1) it doesn't cause any glitching even with (OpenGL 2.0) compositing activated
2) it supports the few effects I find crucial (transparency during move/resize; *shadows*) even without compositing
3) I can use my QtCurve window decoration theme

Point 1) was why I use xfwm4 when KWin4 is not available, but that WM is also requires regular restarts to get rid of glitching ... but it won't do transparent move/resize with compositing turned off.

I could of course try to isolate the latest KWin4 and then do the porting myself but that's bound to be harder than it seems and repeating an effort that must have been done already...


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