Monday meeting notes for 08/03/2021

David Edmundson david at
Mon Mar 8 17:57:10 GMT 2021


 As discussed I raised the min. CMake requirement for all Plasma repos
to 3.16. There was some fallout in kinfocenter and systemsettings that
has been fixed.
 That prompted some cmake cleanup in KWin and
 There is an open MR with cmake cleanup for plasma-desktop:
 There is a comment about a slight regression since pkgconfig does not
allow to force disable a find call, but not sure this is a real world
 Replaced homegrown FindLibIntl in KI18n with FindIntl from CMake
3.20, hopefully fixing an issue someone has. Waiting for confirmation.
 Converted a few repos to SPDX
 Did some work on pulseaudio-qt, some API cleanup and docs
 plasma-pa is somewhat working with it, but not 100%


 I spent most of my time last week improving screenshot times on
Wayland. Encoding and decoding screenshots as png images introduces
noticeable overhead
 The plan is to introduce a new screenshot dbus api that sends raw image data prepares the
screenshot effect for the versioned dbus interface
actually implements the new interface
 You can find kwin-screenshot-version-2 branch in spectacle as well
 I hope to spend more time this week on input grabs in kwaylandserver

 Plasma-systemmonitor and widget bugs keep coming in, so was on a bunch of those
 Created lmsensors plugin for ksystemstats


 Mostly focused last week on Kirigami applications.
 * Reviewed 15 merge requests in Koko thanks to Mikel and updated the
look of the left sidebar.
 * Rewrote NeoChat timeline and mobile interaction. Not perfect yet
there is a nasty implicitHeight binging loop not detected by Qt :(
 * Played with porting Jungle to Kirigami
 * Experimented on porting KMail account wizard to Kirigami
 * Reviewed a few patch for Kirigami documentation
 Also it seems that Kirigami Addons contains GPL code (for the
timezone picker). In the plasma mobile chat, we decided to remove it
for now since it isn't used by any apps.

Jungle is a media player app started by vishesh


 * Now that Frameworks was tagged, will merge
KNotificationQuickReplyAction this week
 * About to merge change that will have notifications show which app
will open a file after job completion (e.g. "Open with Kate")
 * Plasma IconItem now handles .ico files properly
     * QIcon has all the logic for picking the right size, QImage does not
 * Now that Frameworks is tagged, will merge port away from
QDBusInterface in Bluez-Qt
 * I noticed the 5.22 schedule seems a bit odd, the feature freeze is
way past the Beta. Sorry I didn't notice that during the kickoff


 # Plasma
 * fix for BUG433799
 # System Settings
 * Continued work on landing page, now on a technically complete
stage, which though will need some decisions on design side
 # Kirigami
 * investigating window size bug on plamo, came up with an ugly
workaround, patch should probably be carried out by distros
 * Merged the possibility of using toolbars outside pagerow
 # Plasma Mobile
 * investigated the problem of wrongly sized plasma dekstop after a
rotate with screen locked, also with d_ed help, sadly, with not much
success so far :(
 * fix for favorites sometimes reordering themselves
 * fix for formfactor filtering in widget explorer, analog clock is
visible again on the phone \o/

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