Monday meeting notes for 14/06/2021

Nate Graham nate at
Mon Jun 14 18:19:05 BST 2021

So we need better documentation and sample code, then?


On 6/14/21 11:02 AM, David Redondo wrote:
> Am Montag, 14. Juni 2021, 15:43:52 CEST schrieb Nate Graham:
>> KGlobaAccel seems somewhat fragile; I feel like every time anyone
>> touches anything about it, stuff breaks. Is it possible to improve unit
>> test coverage for it?
> I don't think more testing of KGlobalAccel would solve the problem.
> The problem is that not all of the behavior is clear from the API,
> and contains some gotchas, see the linked MRs. So KGlobalAccel itself as the
> shortcut daemon works, but the client side API has room for improvement.
> David

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