Monday meeting notes for 25/01/2021

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Jan 25 12:23:05 GMT 2021

Kai Uwe
* Wrote a fully async KUiServerV2JobTracker:
    * and the relevant change to KDynamicJobTracker to use it:
* Wrote API to do quick reply from KNotification:
* Chromium patch for quick reply was formally approved, waiting for final merge
* Made a change for snapd to allow access of Notification properties interface
    * so that e.g. Telegram snap can query Inhibited state (do not disturb mode)
* Uploaded version 1.8 to Chrome and Edge store
    * broke Netflix, oopsie, uploaded to fix that
    * d_ed needs to upload to Firefox store, then I'll announce a release :)
* Had a call with Microsoft about improving the store
upload/distribution "experience"
* Found Settings destruction crashes on Wayland in libTM, please
    * Also don't actually get any windows on Wayland... do I need some
permission stuff for that protocol?

* I've got some fixes for systemsettings:
related to ExternalAppsModules (used mainly for listing there Yast
* Half of the code was still aware of that and the other half just ignored them
* for us the key navigation bugs in the sidebar mode are a major
issue: has more details
*  I just stumbled over
again, which just looks weird in VMs
    KDE bug 428284 in plasmashell (Task Manager and Icons-Only Task
Manager) "Window thumbnails don't work without
EXT_image_dma_buf_import" [normal,]
* dma_buf is there, but not the extension to import it
* So the stream is up and working, but plasmashell just can't use it
* There doesn't seem to be error handling for this case, so everything
is just a blue rectangle... in  Qemu/KVM with virtio, but no 3d accel
* You can probably reproduce it manually with LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1
* Another issue:  ksysguard5 seems to use std::filesystem, but that's
only available with gcc9 IIRC
* c++17 is ok, and in gcc7, but not all library support

David E
* We had a wayland sprint this weekend
* It was all online, so not as much fun as other sprints, but on the
whole I think it was productive
* we have some paths forward with a few things
* and more people in the loop on what others are up to
* I shall be posting notes to plasma/kwin-devel, as well as writing a blog post
* In terms of the beta, I was a bit frustrated to be doing i18n fixes
last minute
* but it wouldn't be a release if there wasn't some crisis
*  Weekly bump to request someone to review my KDBusAddons window
activation patch:
*  In other news, Fedora are planning on using the systemd boot by
default for their next release
* so I would appreciate anyone else here testing that
* neon still has too old systemd, but can be tested with
 cat ~/.config/startkderc
 [10:59] <d_ed> [General]
 [10:59] <d_ed> systemdBoot=Force  (instead of true)
* We'll be doing a beta test day again on Thursday
* plan is to just hang out on BBB (around 09:00 - 24:00 CET)

* don't have too much new, I'm still working on the Kirigami PlatformTheme stuff
* and general performance/optimisation work on plasma-systemmonitor
*  we also had a bunch of minor bugs with the 5.21 release
* I think most of them have MRs up or are resolved at this point
* oh and if anyone feels like looking at cmake code, I have
open which hasn't had any reaction

* beta happened
* otherwise I was going to ask about beta test day but we've done that
* oh and no sign of tcanabrava for plasma-firewall getting out of kdereview
* that's all
* that the reason for it still being in network category?
* it's waiting to get out of kdereview before being moved
* and that's waiting on the ack from tcanabrava

- Moved plasma-settings, angelfish and phonebook in kdereview
- Dealing with some of feedback from initial Pinephone users

- I did some last-minute-pre-beta fixing
- Mostly visual stuff in plasma-pa, bluedevil and plasma-nm
- And then mostly triaging beta bugs
- So far nothing too critical

David R
- Workarounds for QML Tableview not respecting layout mirroring (filed
an upstream bug report for that)
- Added pulse vpn to the plasma-nm kcm
- Create tree decoration dynamicaly in systemmonitor process page
- Fixed not being able to clear plasmoid shortcut
- Spend some time inverstigatin why new users still get Breeze as
default colorScheme instead of BreezeLight, it was kde4breeze update
- Fixed potential crash in keys kcm
- Better heuristic for disk plugin
- Would like for people to look at
-  Apparently there is a bug in p-f and p-d but the p-d fix exposes  the p-f bug
- So in my opinion the p-d patch should not go to 5.21 because it
think it looks worse

* it would be nice if somebody could have a look at (it's a
very simple patch)

# Plasma
* Improved look of applet resize handles, especially on wallpapers wit
hthe same color as the handles
* simple plasmoid published on the store to debug the issue in
# System Settings
* support both single column and 2 columns mode, all merged, multiple
merge requests
* started a quick and dirty landing page KCM to replace the current
first empty page, working now on a button that opens the wallpaper
config of the current screen (more complicated than it seems)
# Kirigami
* fixed (touchscreen
scrolling in systemsettings sidebar)
# Mycroft
* Merged translations support in mycroft-gui
* fixes for AutoFitLabel component and default base text display
component of Mycroft
# Mycroft Bigscreen specific
* ported a bunch of headers to SPDX licenses
* email to kde-core-devel about kdereview to move it to extragear and
have a real 1.0 release

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