Fwd: Consistent CMake requirements in Plasma

Nicolas Fella nicolas.fella at gmx.de
Wed Feb 24 13:40:08 GMT 2021

Hi packagers,

I recently proposed to formalize that Plasma depends on CMake 3.16. The
reasoning is to 1) make the requirements consistent across Plasma repos
and 2) enable the use of modern CMake features. If accpected this can
act as a precedent for other non-frameworks KDE software.

Is there any distro that does not ship at least CMake 3.16 interested in
shipping future Plasma releases?



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Consistent CMake requirements in Plasma
Date: 	Tue, 9 Feb 2021 19:32:36 +0100
From: 	Nicolas Fella <nicolas.fella at gmx.de>
Reply-To: 	plasma-devel at kde.org
To: 	plasma-devel at kde.org


while I was doing some cmake cleanup in Plasma I noticed that our stated
minimum cmake versions are both somewhat inconsistent and super old.
Most Plasma projects state that either 2.8 (released in 2009) or 3.0
(released in 2014) are the minimum. That's obviously unrealistic.

Newer cmake versions offer some nice stuff such as imported targets for
common libs (e.g. used in
https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-desktop/-/merge_requests/336). For
the sake of consistency I propose that we standardize Plasma on
something recent-ish.

My candidate for this would be cmake 3.16. It's the version shipped by
Ubuntu 20.04 and thus Neon. This would exclude Debian stable which ships
3.13 (which does not have the feature relevant for




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