monday meeting notes for 1/2/2021

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Feb 1 11:45:31 GMT 2021

Kai Uwe
* Now allows double and triple clicks on notification text for text
selection (on non-interactive notifications)
* Opens "leave" menu on press now to be consistent with menu buttons
* Now remembers last viewed tab since I find myself looking at the
"Applications" tab for the volume meters more often :)
Media Controller:
* Found that PC3 tabs activate "onclick" rather than "onpressed", not
sure how to fix that properly: is
only half the story apparently
KDE Connect:
* Fixed transfer speed calculation in composite transfer job
* Improved composite transfer job description, now offers "Open
containing folder" when having received multiple files from phone
* stuck review: and

David E
*  I've had to do a few fixes on the systemd + wayland startup combo
* but I believe all is fixed now
* it seems Fedora are opting in to using that next release
* which is good, as I've received a lot more testing in recent days
* We had the "Plasma beta test day" last week
* It went ok
* We had a lot of people turn up
* but a lot of just idling
* so there's definitely room for improvement there. Maybe we need a
more strict agenda?

* so I'm still poking at the Kirigami PlatformTheme stuff
* it's rather tricky to get right, primary issue now is that there's
no clear "the entire tree of objects has been created" moment, so
making sure inheritance is correct is rather difficult
* other than that things seem to be on the right track
* oh and my mr got completely butchered due to code style changes in master :(
* oh and I found and fixed a bug in kwin where night colour would get stuck

David R
- Fixed an issue that could block you from interacting with an app/plasma in kio
- Minor fixes for sddm kcm
- Fixed an issue that clearing shortcuts in kcms such notification and
lock screen did not work
- Finally created a MR to support `DBusActivatable` in kglobalaccel,
alex wants to use it in krunner
- KRunner part here
- Fixed a crash in systemmonitor
- Fixed gtk theme not updating when applying global theme
- Fixed drag directions for top and right panels
- Restarted conversion of plasma to spdx slowly
- Made a fix for breeze crashing cantata, which was reverted and I
want to discuss the way forward...

* Some smaller KRunner stuff, will wait until 5.79 is tagged.
* Deprecating the QWidgets components in KNewStuff, they have been on
life support for a long time. A lot of plasma usages have already been
ported. Also did some porting for deprecated usage in Plasma/Apps of
the KNS stuff
* Also adding some more tests to KNewStuff, that is always a good
thing to have ;)
* Some work on the clang-fomat stuff, I made to track the
progress in plasma. I also discussed with dfaure that we want to use
this in frameworks, this is all in progress.
* And considering that deleting the file which contains there launch
counts "fixes" the issue and makes the people happy I am thinking that
we should remove this from the framework and come up with sth. that
actually makes sense in our usecase. I already collected some thoughts
    Task 13989 "Rethink LaunchCount usage and scoring system"
[Open,Needs Triage] {KF6}

* I've been mostly working on NeoChat for Windows and macOS
* In terms of Plasma I've done some bug hunting on beta day
* After that mostly some cleanup of Plasma's cmake code
* I also ported Plasma from Qt5::Core to Qt::Core etc

# System Settings
* work on the systemsettings landing page
* landing page not in the sidebar
* landing page can control colors (just light or dark choice) for that
it needs to be in p-w, probably something needs to change, perhaps lnf
related things should become a daemon for krdb reasons?
# Kirigami
* Hacky fix for "drag from anywhere" problem that eats the next click
after a move
# Plasma
* hunted down a problem that broke the middle button plugin
configuration of the desktop
# Plasma Mobile
* fix crash happening sometimes at startup scripts (in plasmashell, so
not plamo specific)

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