Plasma and a bachelor thesis

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Tue Oct 20 13:34:37 BST 2020

On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 3:26 PM Ilya Bizyaev <bizyaev at> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm currently in my last year of bachelor studies, and I'm now looking for a topic for my bachelor thesis. I've had a wild idea of doing a KDE-related engineering project since it sounds fun, would give me a good occasion to help advance open source software that I use and love, and appears to be an acceptable way of doing the thesis from my university's side.
> Since it would have to be a big project, "scratching my own itch" with bugfixes won't work. It would also require a sensible degree of novelty, so doing something-that-GNOME-has-but-in-Qt is also not an option. Finally, for a successful project I would need to prove its relevance, so that would have to be something actually useful and releasable as part of our products.
> That's why I decided to write an email to this mailing list and ask if someone with more insight into Plasma's development direction has some ideas for such a project.
> As for me, you may have seen me around KDE for a while :) I study applied mathematics and computer science at ITMO University in St Petersburg, so have a background in mathematics, algorithms and data structures, and other relevant subjects. I primarily code in C++ and have some insight into Qt/KDE software, and I've worked on Chrome OS in the past. There are some topics suggested by the university (mostly around machine learning), and there will likely be some more from its partner companies, but I am curious if I can also complete a well-defined and meaningful project for KDE.
> Best regards,
> Ilya Bizyaev <me at>

Hi Ilya,
Have you thought about what you would like to do? Would you have some
ideas about something you would like to see developed?

I also did my master thesis on KDE software and I think it worked
well, I'd love to help you do it too.


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