D27669: [kstyle] Tools area

Carson Black noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Mar 30 21:13:44 BST 2020

cblack added a comment.

  In D27669#638175 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D27669#638175>, @ngraham wrote:
  > Nice, that seems to have fixed the issue again.
  > However I still see a significant performance regression though. Switching tabs in Kate is now quite slow, especially when there are many open and you use a keyboard shortcut to do so. I see the spinning busy cursor all the time. The Tools area also changes its vertical height a bit when changing tabs, which is odd.
  > F8206041: vokoscreenNG-2020-03-30_08-55-52.webm <https://phabricator.kde.org/F8206041>
  Any performance regressions when a kate widget is involved (Kate, KDevelop) is likely to due to the fact that tab switching results in a spam of repainting because of incessant toggling of a toolbar's visible property, which results in costly repainting for no reason. I've already optimized what I can from the QStyle side, and anything further will have to be fixed in the offending widget.

  R31 Breeze


To: cblack, #plasma, #breeze, #vdg, hpereiradacosta, davidre
Cc: abstractdevelop, IlyaBizyaev, davidre, davidedmundson, hpereiradacosta, ngraham, manueljlin, niccolove, ndavis, plasma-devel, Orage, LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, cblack, jraleigh, zachus, fbampaloukas, GB_2, ragreen, ZrenBot, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, ahiemstra, mart
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