Icon-Only Task Manager Colored Backgrounds

Kai Uwe Broulik kde at privat.broulik.de
Mon Jun 29 12:32:07 BST 2020


I also thought it was pretty cool but I tried that the other day with 
Task Manager by using the k-cluster sampling code from Big Screen to get 
the dominant icon color.

It didn't work very well. Our current design the line doesn't give much 
area for colorization (the background is pretty faint then) and I always 
kept thinking my VLC player was demanding attention as the button turned 

I sometimes wish I could colorize specific apps so I don't lose them in 
task bar (e.g. my email client or music player) but I am not sure the 
colorization stuff really works well in practice. I think Unity (or 
what's left of it) also moved away from permanently colored sidebar tiles.

Kai Uwe

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