D26354: Introduce ActionRow widget

Nathaniel Graham noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Jan 7 15:12:36 GMT 2020

ngraham added a comment.

  In D26354#589352 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D26354#589352>, @mart wrote:
  > also a component like that back then was chosen to not be added by purpose in part because gesture-wise conflicts with the navigate back of pagerow
  Personally I don't find Kirigami's swipe-left-and-right-to-navigate-through-the-stack gestures to be very useful. You generally only ever use a swipe to go backwards, because to navigate forward you just tap the item. And having these swipes bound to pagerow navigation prevents the use of more useful gestures like these. I find these kinds of gesture-actions super useful in iOS and Android apps (particularly email apps where I use it to delete emails quickly).
  > every component added in kirigami needs to work as is on the desktop as well, modifying itself as much as needed.
  >   (in this case it would get fixed buttons for the actions at the edges i guess)
  This would suggest to me that we need to add these gestures to an even higher level component, or to add this to a BasicLictItem with `leftSwipeAction:` and `rightSwipeAction` properties or something, kind of like how SwipeListItem shows buttons on desktop. That way it the component would have buttons on desktop, and use the specified swipe actions on mobile automatically.

  R169 Kirigami


To: cblack, #vdg, #kirigami, mart
Cc: mart, ouwerkerk, ngraham, plasma-devel, fbampaloukas, GB_2, domson, dkardarakos, apol, ahiemstra, davidedmundson, hein
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