Plasma 5.18 release post-mortem

Nate Graham nate at
Fri Feb 14 18:53:19 GMT 2020

Some of the features or large changes that were added to 5.18 but caused 
regressions made it in close to the cut-off, but many were committed 
months ago. In particular 417424, 416695, 416358 were not the result of 
rush jobs, but they got broken anyway.

I don't necessarily disagree though, but if we want to take a firm 
stance on this, I think we need to branch much earlier. "Soft" feature 
freezes don't cut it. We should maybe branch two months before the 
release rather than one.

Also, we can't branch Frameworks due to their inherently rolling nature. 
Some of the regressions were caused by issues in Frameworks (417351, 
417127, 417511). What are we going to do about those? It's not feasible 
to ask people to stop committing potentially risky changes to frameworks 
near a Plasma release because Plasma isn't the only customer of Frameworks.


On 2020-02-14 01:58, Marco Martin wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 5:40 PM Nate Graham <nate at> wrote:
>> Plasma 5.18 was a pretty buggy release, and I'd like to start a
>> discussion about how we think it happened and what we can do better next
>> time. Here are some of the top bugs that our users are reporting:
> I think we wanted to put too much in this release: it's pretty buggy
> but also the one that came in with more new features since quite a
> while. which in retrospect wasn't that good for an lts
> --
> Marco Martin

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