Dropping KRDB

David Edmundson david at davidedmundson.co.uk
Thu Feb 6 15:23:19 GMT 2020

As an end goal +++. It's difficult to read currently. Also it's invoked on
startup in kcminit 0 which allows everything down.

I would like to see this done by moving pieces out gradually until there's
nothing left rather than dropping it as a single action and then trying to
recover what's broken.

> GTK 1
Kill it

> GTK 2
The breeze GTK sync seems like a logical place. ++

> Qt/KDE4

When we said we would drop BreezeQt5 it was with the reasoning that
packagers could continue to build the 5.18 tarball with Qt4, not
/necessarily/ that they are forced to not ship it.
So it's not /quite/ the same. Though I don't disagree with dropping it.


Still super relevant, but yeah it could move.

> So your xcalc looks nice? Possibly also read by toolkits other than

That's something we should check if it actually works before doing much
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