No subject

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Dec 7 12:04:56 GMT 2020

Kai Uwe
* Expose screen locked state in policy agent
    * This way actions will eventually be able to react on that (e.g.
turn off screen sooner when locked)
    * Worked on cleaning up dim display action
        * I would need to write a kconf update script that halves the
config value and that is just annoying
            * dimdisplay currently starts dimming in multiple steps at
half the configured time
            * or should we not care and just change it to dim at
configured time?
        * also wouldn't work with the way activity config is stored,
so I guess I'd better just make another migration method like we had
for shortcut migration?
* Take into account systemd inhibitions, please review:
* Check popup being null, please review:
* Compress removal of notifications, please review:
* Worked on notification grouping for popup
    * Quite complex...
Breeze Icons:
* Added icon for WIM (windows imaging format archive) images
* Worked on allowing to flag windows as "inhibit notifications"
through window rules and scripting
    * So one can flag a "screen share toolbar" window to automatically
trigger do not disturb mode
    * Unfortunately most of these overlays are unmanaged, so I can't
apply rules or scripting to them :/
[kai and d_ed: discussion about powerdevil screen brightness
change->move dimming to be half of the turn off time?]

* I'm working on a replacement of the legend in Quick Charts which has
rather expanded in scope and requirements compared to what it once was
* which is pretty tricky as I basically need to write a grid layout
with dynamically created columns
* I now have a class in quick charts that acts sort of like a C++
repeater for example
* that'd be nice to have for ActionToolBar in Kirigami as well,
unfortunately to have layouts outside qt needs some private stuff like
[discussion: we should ask for public QQuickItemChangeListener in Qt6]

David E
I don't think I have too much to discuss. I fixed some things, namely:
 - an xwayland keyboard issue
 - an issue where we would restart kglobalacceldaemon randomly when
we're shutting down
- I also ported lock-logout applet away from dataengines, which is on review

* So I had been working on polishing final PlaMo image which we are
going to pass on to factory this week
* Some of pressing issues are
 - From lockscreen you can not turn screen off .. I mused few things
with d_ed and also kbroulik
 - I think generally speaking it is kwin turning dpms on because it
thinks power key is input event
 - I am not quite sure how to solve this without invasive patch
 - Second issue is notification history is not visible on mobile

David R
- Ported sensor face tutorial to be on
- Uploaded a new sensor face to the store
 - Identified that we block the main thread in SensorFace controller
for 2 seconds on the first DBus query, which increases time until
first page in plasma-systemmonitor loaded quite a bit, workaround we
start ksystemstats early on startup
 - Improve startup of emoji picker by replacing js function with Instantiator
 - Api docs for libksysguard sensors and faces should now appear on
 ^ I had a look today but not on the page yet, will probably need to
pong someone about that
 I thought adding metainfo.yaml would have been enough and kapidox
also produced output locally
 - Started today a file based backend for network devices for ksystemstats
 - So the super long bug report of people not using networkmanager can
be closed afterwards :P

- Currently working on making the KRunner history & prior search
activity aware. this also moves a lot of logic to the framework and
makes it reusable. And while at it I sill separate the config(enabled
plugins etc.) and the state data(history and launch counts)
- This will also allow us to get more detailed information on how
often each runner was used
- And I will also try to "fix" the sorting, currently we set a
category and a relevance, this just does nor make that much sense ;-)
- And I also try to write a replacement for the remaining QWidgets
apps that use KNewStuff . These components are really outdated

# Plasma
* component for doing applets with no side borders for the new popup
design improvements
* branch of slight klipper restyle for those new menus look similar to
manueljlin mockups
* containmentDisplayHints property can be set by qml containments, now
applets get correctly the changed signal
# Kirigami
* possible to drag from any empty area, both in pure kirigami apps and
qml kcms (
needs discussion for action)
* fixed issues with new header scrolling when flicking on real touchscreens
* Attached property to know when a column in Columnview is at least
partly visible
# Firewall
* use the new inviewport attached to stop netstat when needed
# Plasma VHI Bugs
* 427934:
* next week will take: BUG 429399 BUG 428191
# Plasma Mobile
* fixes wrt lockscreen notifications
* now phone calls can be trirectly triggered/unlock
# Personal
* will be away on tuesday due public holiday

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