Monday meeting notes for 24/8/2020

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Aug 24 12:15:54 BST 2020

Kai Uwe:
 * Add tab URL as mime data for tabsrunner to drag pages around
     * Sadly, the tab rearranging feature is completely opaque to us,
so having the URL is better than nothing
     * fvogt has some issue with dragging, not sure what's up with that
 * Trying to fix Content Security Policy affecting Media Session API on Firefox
     * fvogt made some PoC patch which I have yet to try out:
 * Worked on moving the charge limit stuff into the KCM, still some
minor work left before I'll put the code up for review
 * Will write kconf update script for "turn off keyboard backlight" action
 * Want to clean up "dim display" action to just dim once to like 25%
brightness or something rather than in multiple steps
     * Also requires more elaborate kconf update script to half the
number in settings to keep behavior consistent to the user
 * Want to make a full screen effect, how should I make a JS file that
is used by both effects?
     * Added pluginId so the JS can detect what plugin it is supposed to be
     * Currently it just installs a kpackage and the "root directory"
feature is Plasma-specific
     * Make a symlink? Or just install the thing twice under different
package names?
 (full screen effect will be exactly like maximize except connected to
fullscreen change rather than maximize state change)

* Some bugfixing for the new Autostart kcm
* Which prompted the question of what to do with entries for uninstalled apps
Discussion on above point:
<kbroulik> nicofee: perhaps keep them in with a broken icon or show a
message widget or something?
<nicofee> Problem is there's no perfect way to determine what is valid
<kbroulik> there's no Apply, and no undo, it's just "gone"
<nicofee> At least for new entries removing isn't destructive though
<kbroulik> the old KCM was also like this but it was I think less
inviting to delete files
* I also worked on a new Bluetooth KCM
* I hope I can post MR for the Bluetooth kcm later today
* Wrt autostart please see MRs in p-d
* Which brings me to my last point
* I sent an email to plasma-devel suggesting to formalize that we use
C++17 in Plasma
* Any thoughts on that?

David E:
This week:
* I would like
merged ASAP as it fixes a major bug for one user.
* I'm expanding plasma's telemetry to include a bunch of theme things
* Getting plasma data from our telemetry server was also broken (we
have too many stats for the code to handle) I managed to fix a bug
there and replace it with a slightly different bug.
<kbroulik> d_ed: do we have a migration policy? because just adding
new fields the user didnt explicitly consent to is a bit shady
<d_ed> kbroulik: We do not
<d_ed> probably worth a ML thread
* I want to also draw attention to this:
* Can people weight in on
* I think we have a general problem with devs ignoring merge requests
for things they don't really like.

David R:
 - Continue porting from deprecated stuff, port p-w away from
KPluginInfo to KPluginMetaData
- While at it, fix loading of templates in the interactive console
## ksysguard
- Don't close popup after selecting a sensor
- Add some tests for formatBootTimestamp and formatTime
- Also show the placeholder if we have fewer than the maximum number of sensors
- Investigate some sensors not being able to be added via ui
- Wrote new disks plugin (up for review)
- Currently writing new CPU plugin

 * finished implementing the layer-shell protocol in kwin. note that
I'm targetting Plasma/5.20
     - i need to start an email thread in plasma-devel regarding the
integration of the layer-shell protocol in Qt
 * added support for xdg-shell v2. please somebody review the merge
requests, they are relatively trivial
 * some people expressed interest in a blur wayland protocol, so david
and i want to upstream ours. d_ed can you please have a look at
before I create a merge request? [<d_ed> will do]

* So last week I finished up some bits for plasma-systemmonitor that
have been lying around for a while
* after that I started looking at moving more stuff in ProcessCore to
separate threads
* I eventually managed to create something where each file being read
is basically its own job that can get executed on its own thread
* unfortunately, I then found out that this doesn't really speed things up
* turns out there's one single task that costs a lot of time, reading
* without that, updates take roughly 30ms, with that they spike to 200ms+
* so now I'm looking into doing that specific task properly async

Fabian V:
* I finally got time to take care of some pbi reviews
* As mentioned by kbroulik, I implemented a different approach for
injecting scripts into the page which works fine on firefox, needs
some testing and discussion though.
* In some way it makes the code more complex, but it also removes
if(IS_FIREFOX) all over the place, which is nice
* On the kio-fuse side, I finished the fix for the only bug report
which isn't about performance, now waiting for reporter (kbroulik
again :D) feedback
* feverfew is working on a different approach of utilizing FileJob, so
I'm waiting for benchmark results. If it's significant, it's probably
worth it to try to get it into 5.0

# Kirigami
* fix attempt to mnemonics & CJK: for bug 420409
* merged software mode for ShadowedTexture
# KWin
* fix for wrong window size (especially on plasma mobile) on virtual
keyboard close
* in the process doing an autotest for the virtual keyboard which is
proving to be a bit challenging and revealing nice possible bugs  of
maliit-vs weston keyboards, still adressing some feedback
# Plasma
* continued work on KDescendantroxyModel collapsing
# Plasma Mobile
* reworked the top drawer in landscape mode
* fixed the close button in the task manager

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