monday meeting notes for 25/11/2019

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Nov 25 11:44:06 GMT 2019

Kai Uwe
* Did German translation
    * Found a bug in PO to JSON handling, d_ed just fixed
* Some minor code cleanups
* Will do a new release tomorrow \o/
* qqc2-desktop-style ToolTip now mimics QToolTip behavior (timeout
based on text length)
Frameworks 6 Sprint:
* Went to the KF6 sprint Fri-Sun, did a ton of planning
    * Will publish a blog post about it later this week
* Now have a rather clear vision of how KNotificationsV2 will look like
    * i.e. I am now confident I can pull it off :-)

 - I've been doing final push to move
plasma-phone-components/plasma-nano out of kdereview (see
kde-core-devel thread for comments so far)
 - Got sms and call dialing working on my pinephone devkit last week

I have lots of notes from QtCS, which I'll try to follow up on as
mailing list entries
but the short summary:
* Qt RHI it seems won't have a huge impact on us
* QtWayland meeting was very productive
* An important note from all the QML3 stuff is one of their goals is
that it should be possible to write QML that works on both Qt5.15 and
* so I don't think the changes proposed are going to end up too scary for us
* but maybe I'm going to regret saying those words in two years :D
* the new shiny stuff that goes in qt 5.15 we can't use it before our
very last lts, which given frameworks will switch 1 year after Qt5.15
is out, really limits our ability to port to that before starting our
Plasma6 branches

# QML kcms
* added support for file selectors, so kcms can have a complete +phone
+TV +toaster subfolder for device-specific ui
# Plasma-settings
* added an option to only show a module passed trough commandline:
kindof a kcmshell replacement.
# KF6 sprint
* workboard:
* plasma framework umbrella task:
*  tl;dr; plasma-framework will be split in 3 parts: shell loading
(that will stay named libplasma) the svg/theme stuff, to be used
outside of plasma too and the dataengine stuff
*the dataengine stuff moved to workspace as mostly a deprecate-ish
porting aid waiting for all dataengines to become some sort of qml
*all the resulting frameworks will target to be at most tier-2
*and will target of removing all qwidget dependencies
* some splitting/marking deprecated can start as  copies that don't
impact ABI in any shape, but we still have two LTS ahead of us

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