Plasma 5.16 Beta release in 2 weeks

Jonathan Riddell jr at
Thu May 2 13:29:52 BST 2019

Our 5.16 Beta release is in 2 weeks on Thu 16 May.  This will freeze
development for new features, please make sure to have any features in by
then.  There will then be three weeks before the final tars are made and 5
days for packagers to package those with a .0 release on Tue June 11.

Please look over the workboard to see what items you have done and update
the status there.

Please add new features to this shared etherpad so we can turn it into an
announce in time for beta.
Also ideas for headlines would be great.  For 5.15 it was
embracing Usability & Productivity goal and headline was Lightweight,
Usable and Productive.  If nobody comes up with ideas I'll use for it instead, you have been warned.

The promo team is coordinating a wallpaper contest which is not expected to
complete until after beta.

Happy hacking

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