freedesktop.notifications daemon - crossplatform alternatives?

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Thu Jan 17 15:58:21 GMT 2019


Sorry for a somewhat off-topic question.

As far as I can tell the KF5/Plasma5 freedesktop notifications implementation is really not easily isolated even if it probably would be cross-platform. (I can run the systray widget in plasma-windowed, but that isn't really satisfactory.)

Why the cross-platform interest? Much KF5 software uses freedestop notifications that run over DBus, also when running on Mac or MS Windows, and evidently it would make sense to show them there too. Esp. if that could somehow be done via the native notification interface, with or without a control widget in the "systray" (menuextras on Mac).

Qt does allow that (possibly with a little extra code) so the question here is whether a (simple), pure-Qt implementation of a notification daemon already exists. Does anyone know?
The closest thing I have found to date is the lxqt notifyd, but that depends on liblxqt which requires X11.


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