D18797: [Tooltips] Use 24px size for children to improve display, just like KInfoCenter

Noah Davis noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Feb 6 22:10:22 GMT 2019

ndavis added a comment.

  I thought we primarily used 22px and not 24px? While it does make the icons look more consistent as long as there are no monochrome 24px versions (there are some) should there be an exception to the norm? If so, we would have to remove all 24px monochrome icons. That might not be such a big deal anymore and I'm not aware of any apps that require 24px icons. I think 32px scaled down to 24px also looks better than 32px scaled down to 22px, so I would be in favor of that solution.

  R124 System Settings


To: ngraham, #vdg
Cc: ndavis, davidedmundson, plasma-devel, jraleigh, GB_2, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart
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