Cursor sizes on wayland

Martin Flöser mgraesslin at
Tue May 8 18:57:45 UTC 2018

Am 8. Mai 2018 17:05:57 MESZ schrieb Aleix Pol <aleixpol at>:
>I've been looking into getting a consistent cursor look on wayland,
>which is specially daunting because of scaling.
>I'd like to look into fixing it for xwayland clients. Would somebody
>be able to shed some light into the issue so I can understand it and
>fix it?
Xwayland clients use the normal X11 API to set cursors. Xwayland just forwards them through the Wayland protocol. The env variable for cursor size is the same on Wayland and X11, so there should not be any difference.

I'm not sure what exactly you want to look into. Personally I had the feeling that apps started to act crazy concerning cursor sizes - on Wayland and on X11. Normally there just should not be any difference. There's one env variable controlling it and if all apps would just use it and not do crazy stuff instead it would just work.


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