Virtual Desktop and Activities future: Merging proposal

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Tue Jul 24 19:36:57 BST 2018

So, if I understood this correctly, KAMD keeps a list of activities,
and a list of VDs which are usually mapped 1-1, but could also be 1-n.

Adding an activity would mean adding a VD (just one by default).
Removing an activity would mean removing all VDs for that activity.

This could be (I think) easily done as another KAMD plugin. The plugin
could also provide the info about VDs that belong to the current
activity for 'advanced' versions of pager (if they get implemented by
a third party) etc.

This could work. Might end up even being better feature-wise than our
current setup. There were quite a few users who wanted different
number of VDs per-activity.

I think that all group "C" problems could be remedied with custom
Plasma applets.

There is one question, though. Do the new VDs support showing a window
on two different VDs?


On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 1:40 PM Marco Martin <notmart at> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 11:47 PM David Edmundson
> <david at> wrote:
> >  - If someone else wants to add new effects/pagers that group/filter VDs they should be able to.
> > (like Michails quite cool mockups and stuff) I don't think that requires any changes in the VD protocol to do so, and we definitely shouldn't block on it nor make it a default.
> I like this proposal.. after a basic version of virtual desktops
> working for 5.14 we can start with prototypes
> --
> Marco Martin

KDE, ivan.cukic at,
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