Virtual Desktop and Activities future: Partitioning proposal

Vlad Zagorodniy vladzzag at
Mon Jul 16 19:28:50 BST 2018

On Monday, July 16, 2018 9:07:40 PM EEST Roman Gilg wrote:
> -----------------------------
> KWin/KWayland implementation:
> -----------------------------
> General:
> * Only knows about VDs. Has a list of all of them.
> * Broadcasts the current VD list on change (and on bind through
> client) to clients.
> Switching:
> * KWin switches the active VD, i.e. the VD currently displayed full screen.
> * KWin gets told by workspace which VD it should switch to or via
> Keyboard shortcut and/or effects internally.
> * Broadcasts the currently active VD on switch/bind.
> Partitioning:
> * VD objects have an int or string identifier <partition>, that is set
> by workspace to indicate which Activities the VDs are associated with.
> * VDs, whose identifier has not yet been set, are associated with a
> default Activity.
> * An identifier change of a VD is broadcasted to all clients, which
> bound the VD interface.

Slide effect assumes that virtual desktops form a grid. Will virtual desktops 
form a grid with this approach?

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