D9627: Reduce menu shadows to half the size of the window shadows

Henrik Fehlauer noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Jan 3 17:57:31 UTC 2018

rkflx added a comment.

  Thanks Nate, your blog readership seems to like it too (congratulations on the blog, BTW ;) What about the inevitable "But can I change it back?". You claim we allow this, but if you actually try it, it does not work, i.e. the menu shadow is now almost completely gone for the former default shadow size of 16px. This is also the case for any user upgrading to 5.12 with a non-default size, e.g. 17px, where the shadow going away looks like an upgrade bug.
  I won't bother you further with this, but I'm a bit concerned and I think you should at least comment on the problem. Ideas for consideration:
  - Two comboboxes.
  - Lower bound or different scaling function (but difficult to get right).
  - Set of fixed values.
  IMO new defaults are fine, but removing the possibility to go back to (or at least somewhat replicate) the old (default) values is the worst (also from a PR standpoint).
  One more thing: Is the 100px max working for you? Mine is still capped at 64px (the defaults button has the new value, weirdly), but perhaps I'm just installing things wrongly and there are some config caching quirks. Could you check again?
  (Also, the title of the Diff sounds off.)

  R31 Breeze



To: ngraham, #vdg, #breeze, hpereiradacosta, abetts
Cc: rkflx, plasma-devel, ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart
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