D10920: Install app metadata for plasmoidviewer and plasmaengineexplorer

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Feb 28 20:38:44 UTC 2018

kossebau added a comment.

  In D10920#215850 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D10920#215850>, @broulik wrote:
  > lgtm but can't really comment
  > Can't go into 5.12 due to translations, can it?
  New strings should be fine, that has been done elsewhere before. As it's broken feature vs. initially untranslated strings.


> broulik wrote in org.kde.plasmoidviewer.desktop:9
> Will it still be accessible through KRunner?
> Though you probably want to use it from terminal to pass args and see output anyway

It still works as commandline program, whose runner plugin seems to not rely on desktop data. But indeed that often makes no sense, as some debug output might be interesting as well, not just what can be seen in the IU.

Just to make sure we are on the same page, the reason for `NoDisplay=true` is that plasmoidviewer needs to be started with arguments, without any it will quit immediatly again.
So starting from menu does not work, and thus also not from krunner, at least as plain application.

  R118 Plasma SDK


To: kossebau, sebas, mart, broulik
Cc: plasma-devel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart
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