Minutes Monday Plasma Hangout

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Feb 26 11:30:27 UTC 2018

Monday meeting time!

http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org
-------------- next part --------------
Plasma Team meeting, 26-02-2018

Present: Sho, notmart, psifidotos, kbroulik, bshah, romangg

* Fixed window delegates not being properly clamped to the desktop rect in the pager
* Working on a KMessageWidget equivalent for Kirigami, with KCMs and Konvi2x in mind
* Mostly ported Languages KCM, but needs above first

hello everyone... :) I am the Latte developer for thos not knowing the codename
for plasma if I remember correctly I merged:
* an RTL fix for popup windows
* two global menu fixes in order to work nicer with Latte dynamic background feature
- I uploaded also yesterday : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=391073
KDE bug 391073 in plasmashell (general) "Latte panels/docks overlap the desktop icons" [normal,] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=391073
because there are many users requesting this and I dont know if we can do something about it

* Made KWin's menu button with "double click on close" open menu also on "click and wait" rather than just on non-intuitive "press and hold", D10855
* Desktop toolbox is now in top right corner (or left for rtl) to avoid interfering with Folder View icons; seemed downstreams patched that for years already
* Some optimizations in Solid UDisks backend
** Want to port it to use ObjectManager interface where it gets all properties for all devices at once rather than doing a ton of blocking DBus queries
* Fixes and testing of Plasma widget preloading
Diff 10855 "Emit clicked when double click expires" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10855
* Make it easier for users to restore Trash desktop icon once we remove it from the default, D10684 and D10686
Diff 10684 "[Drop Job] Create proper trash file on linking" [Accepted] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10684
Diff 10686 "[DesktopNotifier] Notify change for any link to trash:/" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10686
* RFC for letting plasmoid config intercept Return key (weather applet search), D10659 and D10660
Diff 10659 "[AppletConfiguration] Let applet override Return closing the dialog" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10659
* Ported the rest of plasmashell to using shared QML engine, D10773 and D10774
Son_Goku (~King_InuY at fedora/ngompa) has joined #plasma
* A bit of cleanup and profiling in Plasma Dialog, only got D10769 so far
* Tried to figure out broken FrameSVG mask (leads to holes in the panel when non-composited), it's one of those "how could that ever have worked" things, didn't get anywhere :/

- Rolling qt 5.10 in the all neon editions as testing phase was over
- Unfortunately there were more issues:
    - kwin : https://phabricator.kde.org/D10762
    - need to fix it but short of time today and tomorrow
    - kdeclarative: https://cgit.kde.org/kdeclarative.git/commit/?id=a442b96756c07f51c2c40a620aaf256ee5412051
- will be "off" for most of the day today and tomorrow for visa appointment tomorrow. (will have to start travelling at evening)
Diff 10774 "[Shell Handler] Port from own QQmlEngine to using QmlObjectSharedEngine" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10774
- if there is emergency, I can be reached through matrix ( bshah[m] )  or telegram
Diff 10769 "[Dialog] Remove now obsolete KWindowSystem::setState calls" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10769
Diff 10762 "Fix the build on armhf/aarch64" [Needs Revision] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10762

* Setup mesa-build from Git on development machine - why is compiling mesa so difficult... Goal is to solve https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=385626 - first test against most recent mesa.
KDE bug 385626 in kwin (general) "KWin crashed when Alt+Tab-ing through open windows" [crash,UPSTREAM] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=385626
* Reviewed patches by Fabian and Martin
* Created Sysadmin ticket for weird Phab behavior (switching through tags on revision edits)
* Regarding Sysadmins: What about the "Restricted Application" bug? Probably should open a second ticket for this one as well.
questions? or next

* kscreen-doctor in libkscreen master can do rotation now
* Wayland specific ui bits in kscreen kcm: primary display isn't an option under wayland any more, bug: 389016 and 390638
* did an interview with Swapnil Bhartiya and Lydia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd2JYMNycBo&t=2255s
* screen rotate plasmoid polishing planned / * touchscreen rotation hacking on X11
* cleaning up kscreen kcm rewrite branch and continuing on it, pending merge of osd branch with Dan Vratil
* 390096 <3


[12:01:00] <Sho_> can me and psi go first then? i need to go to phys therapy (neck)
[12:01:07] <sebas> sutre
[12:01:10] <psifidotos> notmart: hello ... :) I will be here for 15mins more because I am at work... I wanted to give some presence :)
[12:01:23] <sebas> Who else joins us?
[12:01:32] <Sho_> thx <3
[12:01:42] <kbroulik> here
[12:01:47] <bshah> I... I..
[12:02:15] <psifidotos> I... for the next 15mins :)
[12:02:22] <-> stikonas_ is now known as stikonas
[12:02:24] <sebas> Okay, let's start with Sho, notmart, psifidotos, kbroulik, bshah
[12:03:04] <Sho_> Not that much Plasma last week but some nice things for completion this week:
[12:03:08] <Sho_> * Fixed window delegates not being properly clamped to the desktop rect in the pager
[12:03:08] <Sho_> * Working on a KMessageWidget equivalent for Kirigami, with KCMs and Konvi2x in mind
[12:03:08] <Sho_> * Mostly ported Languages KCM, but needs above first
[12:03:33] --> rokups (uid197268 at gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-djecfghjrwgtwpwp) has joined #plasma
[12:03:51] <Sho_> KMW probably in review tomorrow or Wednesday or so
[12:03:54] <Sho_> next!
[12:04:17] <romangg> next one should be psi because he has not much time.
[12:04:33] <romangg> I'm here as well btw.
[12:04:44] <sebas> psifidotos: go ahead!
[12:05:22] <psifidotos> hello everyone... :) I am the Latte developer for thos not knowing the codename
[12:05:38] <psifidotos> for plasma if I remember correctly I merged:
[12:05:57] <psifidotos> * an RTL fix for popup windows
[12:06:34] <psifidotos> * two global menu fixes in order to work nicer with Latte dynamic background feature
[12:07:12] <kbroulik> thanks for your global menu fixes :)
[12:07:30] <psifidotos> - I uploaded also yesterday : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=391073
[12:07:31] <sKreamer> KDE bug 391073 in plasmashell (general) "Latte panels/docks overlap the desktop icons" [normal,] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=391073
[12:07:45] <sebas> notmart: is next up
[12:08:01] <psifidotos> because there are many users requesting this and I dont know if we can do something about it
[12:08:21] <psifidotos> that's all from me.
[12:09:15] <kbroulik> psifidotos: hmm, I dont know how that struts thing works. Perhaps plasma needs to/could monitor struts set by other apps, hm
[12:09:54] <sebas> notmart: your turn
[12:09:59] <psifidotos> kbrould: the thing is that plasma is providing this for all visibility modes not only Always Visible
[12:10:29] --> kts (~kts at has joined #plasma
[12:11:36] <kbroulik> notmart:
[12:11:50] <sebas> kbroulik: you go ahead :)
[12:12:03] <kbroulik> * Made KWin's menu button with "double click on close" open menu also on "click and wait" rather than just on non-intuitive "press and hold", D10855
[12:12:07] <kbroulik> * Desktop toolbox is now in top right corner (or left for rtl) to avoid interfering with Folder View icons; seemed downstreams patched that for years already
[12:12:12] <kbroulik> * Some optimizations in Solid UDisks backend
[12:12:12] <kbroulik> ** Want to port it to use ObjectManager interface where it gets all properties for all devices at once rather than doing a ton of blocking DBus queries
[12:12:15] <kbroulik> * Fixes and testing of Plasma widget preloading
[12:12:18] <sKreamer> Diff 10855 "Emit clicked when double click expires" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10855
[12:12:18] <kbroulik> * Make it easier for users to restore Trash desktop icon once we remove it from the default, D10684 and D10686
[12:12:19] <sKreamer> Diff 10684 "[Drop Job] Create proper trash file on linking" [Accepted] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10684
[12:12:19] <sKreamer> Diff 10686 "[DesktopNotifier] Notify change for any link to trash:/" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10686
[12:12:22] <kbroulik> * RFC for letting plasmoid config intercept Return key (weather applet search), D10659 and D10660
[12:12:25] <sKreamer> Diff 10659 "[AppletConfiguration] Let applet override Return closing the dialog" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10659
[12:12:31] <kbroulik> * Ported the rest of plasmashell to using shared QML engine, D10773 and D10774
[12:12:35] --> Son_Goku (~King_InuY at fedora/ngompa) has joined #plasma
[12:12:36] <kbroulik> * A bit of cleanup and profiling in Plasma Dialog, only got D10769 so far
[12:12:39] <kbroulik> * Tried to figure out broken FrameSVG mask (leads to holes in the panel when non-composited), it's one of those "how could that ever have worked" things, didn't get anywhere :/
[12:13:23] <kbroulik> questions || next; and please check out the phabs above, most of them are still without a comment..
[12:13:50] <sebas> as soon as phab returns from coma ;)
[12:13:57] <sebas> bshah: you're up
[12:14:00] <kbroulik> haha yeah just got [sKreamer] Diff not found ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Net::OpenTimeout
[12:14:11] <bshah> okie. moment
[12:14:32] <bshah> - Rolling qt 5.10 in the all neon editions as testing phase was over
[12:14:33] <bshah> - Unfortunately there were more issues:
[12:14:35] <bshah>     - kwin : https://phabricator.kde.org/D10762
[12:14:37] <bshah>     - need to fix it but short of time today and tomorrow
[12:14:39] <bshah>     - kdeclarative: https://cgit.kde.org/kdeclarative.git/commit/?id=a442b96756c07f51c2c40a620aaf256ee5412051
[12:14:41] <bshah> - will be "off" for most of the day today and tomorrow for visa appointment tomorrow. (will have to start travelling at evening)
[12:14:57] <sKreamer> Diff 10774 "[Shell Handler] Port from own QQmlEngine to using QmlObjectSharedEngine" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10774
[12:14:58] <bshah> - if there is emergency, I can be reached through matrix ( bshah[m] )  or telegram
[12:14:59] <sKreamer> Diff 10769 "[Dialog] Remove now obsolete KWindowSystem::setState calls" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10769
[12:15:00] <sKreamer> Diff 10762 "Fix the build on armhf/aarch64" [Needs Revision] https://phabricator.kde.org/D10762
[12:15:07] <bshah> o_O
[12:15:15] <bshah> anyway.. questions? or next
[12:15:25] <sebas> romangg is next
[12:15:42] <romangg> * Setup mesa-build from Git on development machine - why is compiling mesa so difficult... Goal is to solve https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=385626 - first test against most recent mesa.
[12:15:42] <sKreamer> KDE bug 385626 in kwin (general) "KWin crashed when Alt+Tab-ing through open windows" [crash,UPSTREAM] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=385626
[12:15:43] <romangg> * Reviewed patches by Fabian and Martin
[12:15:45] <romangg> * Created Sysadmin ticket for weird Phab behavior (switching through tags on revision edits)
[12:15:46] <romangg> * Regarding Sysadmins: What about the "Restricted Application" bug? Probably should open a second ticket for this one as well.
[12:16:00] <romangg> questions? or next
[12:16:11] <bshah> restricted application is not bug
[12:16:26] <romangg> bshah: it shows up instead of name on some edits.
[12:16:28] <bshah> that restricted application is Herald application which is limited ot community admins
[12:16:36] <romangg> phab works again btw
[12:16:43] <kbroulik> bshah: yesterday Iwanted to update my laptop and p-w and p-d were depending on 5.9.4 and thus couldnt be updated
[12:16:51] <kbroulik> neon dev, was that another temporary glitch?
[12:17:05] <bshah> kbroulik: 5.9.4 (!!)
[12:17:12] <bshah> we never had 5.9.4 :P
[12:17:25] <bshah> .. I mean in neon
[12:17:25] <kbroulik> hm, so something quite funky was going on I guess
[12:17:33] <bshah> but well, if error persists let me know
[12:17:37] <psifidotos> so sorry for leaving you guys... I will try next week to follow the full meeting! :) have fun...
[12:17:44] <bshah> psifidotos: see you o/
[12:17:45] <kbroulik> psifidotos: thanks for attending!
[12:17:49] <kbroulik> bshah: will do
[12:18:00] <sKreamer> ::plasma5:: Plasma 5 :: plasma 5.12 icons, all desktops workspaces @ https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=289&t=151264&p=395366#p395366 (by pedro m)
[12:18:12] <-- psifidotos (~psifidoto at athedsl-375349.home.otenet.gr) has quit
[12:18:28] <bshah> next?
[12:18:57] <romangg> jup
[12:19:12] <-> leinir_ is now known as leinir
[12:19:39] <sebas> notmart still MIA?
[12:19:41] <sebas> then I'm left
[12:19:55] <sebas> * Wayland specific ui bits in kscreen kcm: primary display isn't an option under wayland any more, bug: 389016 and 390638
[12:19:55] <sebas> * did an interview with Swapnil Bhartiya and Lydia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd2JYMNycBo&t=2255s
[12:19:55] <sebas> * screen rotate plasmoid polishing planned / * touchscreen rotation hacking on X11
[12:19:55] <sebas> * cleaning up kscreen kcm rewrite branch and continuing on it, pending merge of osd branch with Dan Vratil
[12:19:55] <sebas> * 390096 <3
[12:20:13] <sebas> bug:390096
[12:20:36] <bshah> mmm I am super confused... why is touchscreen rotation hacking is still a thing? Martin already implemented it no?
[12:20:42] <sebas> well, it's about displaying the picker osd when display button is pressed
[12:20:47] <sebas> bshah: in Wayland
[12:20:58] <bshah> sebas: no? it is done for both AFAIK
[12:21:02] <sebas> I'm experimenting with something under X11
[12:21:13] <sebas> under X11 it needs xinput things
[12:22:25] <bshah> hm okay
[12:22:32] <sebas> otherwise, we're done, thanks everybody for attending!
[12:22:52] <sebas> bshah: basically a small plasmoid that handles autorotation, some users will like it
[12:23:11] <sebas> combines kscreen calls, orientation sensor and xinput calls
[12:23:46] <bshah> I can't search for PR since phab is down-ish but I'll search later.. pretty much sure I saw related (input/output rotation in x11) PR..
[12:24:03] <bshah> anyway yeah thanks for hosting meeting! :)
[12:24:07] <sebas> bshah: cool ... let me know :)
[12:24:09] <sebas> Anytime :)
[12:24:40] <sebas> ow right ... kscreen-doctor in master can do rotation now
[12:25:02] <bshah> so found one at lest : https://phabricator.kde.org/D8731 (auto screen rotate on x11, sans input.. it is abandoned though)
[12:25:03] <sKreamer> Diff 8731 "[x11] Add support for automatic screen rotation through XRandR" [Abandoned] https://phabricator.kde.org/D8731

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