D10475: Make it possible to show the title despite having ctx actions

Henrik Fehlauer noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Feb 14 16:24:19 UTC 2018

rkflx added a comment.

  > In this patch, we are trying to solve the general case of how a navigation header with context actions should look.
  I see, but I'm afraid with only a single example (which should be solved differently anyway) it is going to be hard to reach a conclusion. I'm not sure about the purpose of the "title" element.
  > "worst case scenario" for a header with two navigation buttons, a title, and 2 or more context actions.
  I doubt a "title" with four more elements plus the required spacing will work at all as a title.
  > On another note, what would be your preference for title alignment: left-aligned, or centered?
  There are two qualities which make something a title: First and foremost, enough room to breathe, and less importantly a more pronounced font (bigger size, bolder). This means for me one of these situations:
  - lots of space title lots of space
  - title lots of space small icon possibly with text
  - small icon with no text at all lots of space title lots of space small icon with no text at all
  I would avoid anything involving the following in relation to the title:
  - small space
  - no space at all
  - more than two non-space items in addition to the title
  - | as a replacement for lots of space
  Otherwise the title element cannot perform its role properly and feels cramped. Unfortunately this means most of the screenshots above don't fit those requirements. On the plus side, it explains the "remaining issues" and weirdness you noted above.
  In your case I would think about a two-row approach, i.e. a row resembling a toolbar, and a separate row for the title. Once you only have a title and two non-text icons, it could collapse to a single row.

  R169 Kirigami


To: apol, #kirigami, mart, ngraham, abetts
Cc: rkflx, mart, ngraham, plasma-devel, apol, davidedmundson, hein
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