Compiling and deploying plasma-desktop

Harald Sitter sitter at
Tue Feb 6 09:29:38 UTC 2018

sudo apt-get build-dep plasma-desktop
git clone kde:plasma-desktop
mkdir plasma-desktop-build
cd plasma-desktop-build
cmake ../plasma-desktop -DKDE_INSTALL_USE_QT_SYS_PATHS=ON
sudo make install

As the others indicated, this isn't usually how you want to go about
it since that basically smashes your system level installation in
/usr. What people usually do is install to a completely separate path
in their home and then use extra envrionment rigging to start programs
from that path instead of /usr.
Point being that you don't need to mess with a VM.

On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 10:30 PM, pointedstick <pointedstick at> wrote:
> Howdy folks,
> What's the best way to go about compiling plasma-desktop from source and deploying to /usr/ (in a KDE Neon dev unstable VM; I wouldn't do this on a real machine), and are there any necessary dependencies that also always need to be compiled from source?
> Thanks!
> Nate

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