D17533: Make the button's purpose more clear

Andras Mantia noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Dec 16 11:59:27 GMT 2018

amantia added a comment.

  Yes, most questions can be answered with Yes/No, and still I'd say it is better to use Yes/No, instead of OK/Cancel. OK/Cancel is rather useless, although widely used, I know...
  I made the question text bold now, and unfortunately as I said I don't want to spend more on this. The whole dialog is problematic as it poses both a question (activate/do not activate) and a side question (turn off gestures or not). 
  This is confusing by default, and for the users it was unclear what the dialog buttons do, as the original question was at the beginning and between the question and the action buttons there was the large explanation with the secondary action.
  At least (IMO) now it is clear that the Yes/No buttons refer to the activate/deactivate question.

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: amantia, #plasma_accessibility, davidedmundson, aacid, ngraham
Cc: ngraham, plasma-devel, GB_2, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart
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