recap on failing plasma-frameworks tests on CI

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Oct 9 10:44:42 UTC 2017

Hi all,
I was looking into the tests that are currently failing in plasma-framework in

which are 7 tests, all of them started failing from
(very suspicious)
last sane build was

git rev of last sane:
1419135a5d99 (get rid of qsignalmapper)
git rev of first broken:
1e2802452added (update mail notification icon for better contrast)

there are a lot of commits in between, none of them particularly suspicious

so to recap my findings so far and theories why they may fail:
* TestSuite.plasma-fallbackpackagetest
* TestSuite.plasma-packagestructuretest
* TestSuite.plasma-dialogqmltest
* TestSuite.plasma-iconitemtest
* TestSuite.plasma-storagetest

^^ all of them look like plugins that can't be loaded, (such as
Plasma/Generic,Plasma/Plasmoid package structures) may be a local
setup issue of the ci?

* TestSuite.plasma-configmodeltest

couldn't really figure out

* TestSuite.dialognativetest
 No clue, locally can't be reproduce neither with composite on or off

Any ideas?

Marco Martin

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