D8731: [x11] Add support for automatic screen rotation through XRandR

Martin Flöser noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Nov 10 19:06:28 UTC 2017

graesslin added a comment.

  > Yet we're putting this sensor stuff in kwin instead, then having to come up with extra interfaces to fix the problems we're creating.
  The main reason is that I wanted to support the phone case (hwcomposer) where we don't have the OutputConfigurationInterface hooked up and where it doesn't make sense to hook it up. The second reason is that KWin needs to support the full story including input adjustments. KScreen cannot do that, KWin must do it. Given that I would consider it weird to do everything related to the rotation just except detecting the orientation change. Also I think that KWin should be able to handle the most basic screen functionality (and yes I count rotation to that nowadays) on Wayland without the help of other processes. This makes it easier to deploy KWin outside of Plasma. E.g. for things we discussed like having KWin running in SDDM as the greeter compositor it means that KWin can provide automatic rotation without having to start half of our session in the login process.
  Of course that's all debatable and you might have noticed that the OrientationSensor class I added to KWin does not include anything else from KWin. It's a standalone component which can be split out and moved to KScreen.

  R108 KWin


To: graesslin, #kwin, #plasma, sebas, davidedmundson
Cc: davidedmundson, plasma-devel, kwin, bwowk, ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, hardening, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart
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