[KDE4] what component does the screenlocking?

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at kde.org
Sat Mar 4 16:36:40 UTC 2017

Am 2017-03-04 16:34, schrieb Kai Uwe Broulik:
>> I know, but the checkbox next to "ask password after" is gone so you 
>> can no longer disable locking while keeping a screensaver feature.
> Ah, yes, that is gone. There's no screen "saver" anymore but just a
> lock screen that happens to have a fancy wallpaper architecture. 
>> As if no one would want to prevent screen burning-in
> Turn the screen off. Problem solved.
>> OK. I don't know exactly what the KDE4 library is used for when you 
>> execute the .kss as a standalone application but stripping code should 
>> be faster than porting it.
> Do we actually still have remnants of that stuff in KF5 kscreenlocker?
> If so, it should indeed be removed. 
No, that is all gone. Commit message was: die kscreensaver, die

The architecture of see hacks is not compatible to our lock screen 
architecture. Please use xss


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