Minutes Monday Plasma Meeting
Eike Hein
hein at kde.org
Mon Jan 30 12:13:17 UTC 2017
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Plasma Meeting minutes 30-01-2017
Present: kbroulik, romangg, Riddell, notmart, d_ed, bshah, Sho_
* A few fixes to task manager (e.g. more predictible keyboard nav in group dialog)
uts on monday monday by the boomtown rats
* Icon applet uses KIO::statJob internally so it properly works for desktop:/ and remote files
* PlasmaComponents Menu has a maximumWidth property not but it's quite broken in Qt (no eliding for too wide menu items, positioning wrong)
* helped d_ed with a nasty Solid crash when unmounting devices/partitioning etc (40+ duplicates)
* will change calculator runnre to use approximate mode of qalculate (otherwise 2^2^2^2^2 will easily eat all RAM and go havoc)
* some color picker love (contrast border around colors depending on panel color/luminance/contrast)
* some Plasma sprint preparation, will send a final email with details tomorrow I think
Worked in the last time on several smaller issues: D4141 D4162 D4164 D4301. not yet all ready for merge.
But mostly worked on my SoK project: direct scanout wayland buffer in atomic mode setting.
also try to fix stuff I did the last time wrong here...
plasma 5.9 is out tomorrow!
* fixed crash of applet alternatives that would have been a showstopper for 5.9 release https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=375105
KDE bug 375105 in plasmashell (general) "Plasma Shell crashes (restarts) when choosing "Alternatives" from the "start icon" context menu" [crash,FIXED] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=375105
* long investigation on screwups of qtwayland with Qt 5.8 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=375539 https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-58423 produced simple test case
* another multiscreen fix: interesting problems of emulating "cloned" displays https://phabricator.kde.org/D4309
Diff 4309 "fix isOutputRedundant logic" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4309
* Kirigami:
** animated pop of pages off a PageRow
** made easier to statically link in a qtcreator project using the .pri file (attached icons qrc file can be overridden by the parent project, easier to use git submodules)
Last week:
- Worked round an issue with DBusMenu on Qt5.7.0 which had a bug in it
- Fixed a bug when switching wallpapers
- Fixed that damn Solid bug that was crashing Plasma a lot
This week:
- finishing that Kicker glitch bug, I have one little bug left to fix
- Still looking into issue of garbled text
- Trying to get apitrace working with libhybris, so we can get to bottom of issue
- Hit to issue of wayland session not working with Qt 5.8, reported bug and back to X11 :-(
* [General] Fixed Plasmoid.busy viz in desktop containment (busy spinner wasn't showing up)
* [FV] Finished work on spring-loading patchset (additional bugfixes from review) & merged
* [FV] Fixed a regression causing the selection not to be cleared when an ongoing rubberband selection no longer contains anything
* [TM] Finished work on group popup dialog overhaul (additional bugfixes from review) & merged
* [TM] Fixed group parents not reappearing when disabling inline grouping
* [TM] Fixed VirtualBox pinning with newer versions of VirtualBox (review pending)
* [TM] Working on a fix for MatchCommandLineFirst/servicesFromPid handling in taskmanagerrulesrc
* [TM] Tuned audio indicator sizing more
* [Launchers] Fixed sycoca reload killing favorites and/or crashing with pagination enabled (affects Simple Menu)
* [Simple Menu] Released on KDE Store and blogged, https://store.kde.org/p/1169537/ + https://blogs.kde.org/2017/01/30/simple-menu-launcher-kde-store
* [Performance!] Had a migraine spell, used the inability to do creative stuff to set up QML Profiler and Gammaray to up my optimization/debug game and spot some low-hanging performance fruit:
** Optimized Pager rendering not to use clipping in delegates
++ Wrote https://codereview.qt-project.org/183677 for Qt which would cut ~10% QML time in Task Manager
** Massive performance improvements in Folder View on branch hein/fastFolders:
*** Scrolling a large folder went from nigh-unusably stuttry to very nearly smooth
*** The numerous changes for the above also improve navigation latencies (popups, drill-down)
*** And save about ~10 MB of plasmashell memory in my test case (7x6 desktop widget pointed at large folder)
*** Delayed setting the model on the view until listing is complete; saves tons of view busy work and allows listing to complete much faster (this is what I did the Plasmoid.busy fix for)
*** Reviews: https://phabricator.kde.org/D4343, https://phabricator.kde.org/D4344, https://phabricator.kde.org/D4345
*** Found out that plasmoid.busy is broken during the above, looking ...
* [Other] Looking into helping Sysadmin with code changes to get Phabricator KDE-themed; asked VDG to get me colors to use, Jens is on it
* [Personal] On vacation Feb 2nd & 3rd
oh the 'Found out that plasmoid.busy is broken during the above, looking ...' line is outdated
IRC Log:
[12:00] <Sho_> meeting time
[12:00] <Sho_> who's here?
[12:01] <Sho_> notmart, bshah, sebas, d_ed, Riddell?
[12:01] * romangg here aswell
[12:01] <Riddell> what what?
[12:02] * notmart here
[12:02] <d_ed> here
[12:02] <Sho_> Riddell: Monday meeting
[12:02] <bshah> o/
[12:02] <Sho_> kbroulik starts, then romangg
[12:02] <romangg> d_ed: I need you after the meeting. :x
[12:02] <kbroulik> * A few fixes to task manager (e.g. more predictible keyboard nav in group dialog)
[12:03] * Riddell puts on monday monday by the boomtown rats
[12:03] <kbroulik> * Icon applet uses KIO::statJob internally so it properly works for desktop:/ and remote files
[12:03] <kbroulik> * PlasmaComponents Menu has a maximumWidth property not but it's quite broken in Qt (no eliding for too wide menu items, positioning wrong)
[12:04] <kbroulik> * helped d_ed with a nasty Solid crash when unmounting devices/partitioning etc (40+ duplicates)
[12:04] *** Joins: nowrep (~david at kde/developer/drosca)
[12:04] <d_ed> (which is now fixed btw \o/)
[12:04] <notmart> now solid is actually solid
[12:04] <kbroulik> * will change calculator runnre to use approximate mode of qalculate (otherwise 2^2^2^2^2 will easily eat all RAM and go havoc)
[12:04] * notmart runs
[12:05] <kbroulik> * some color picker love (contrast border around colors depending on panel color/luminance/contrast)
[12:05] *** Joins: ShalokShalom_ (~quassel at 194-96-123-98.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
[12:05] <kbroulik> * some Plasma sprint preparation, will send a final email with details tomorrow I think
[12:05] <kbroulik> next()
[12:05] <Sho_> romangg is on, then Riddell
[12:05] <romangg> Worked in the last time on several smaller issues: D4141 D4162 D4164 D4301. not yet all ready for merge.
[12:05] <sKreamer> Diff 4141 "Allow Tab as being modified by Shift" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4141
[12:05] <sKreamer> Diff 4162 "[TabBox] Remember current model index on SwitcherItem model set" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4162
[12:05] <sKreamer> Diff 4164 "Lower limit pressed modifier count" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4164
[12:05] <sKreamer> Diff 4301 "[System Tray] SNI fallback to context menu on failing Activate" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4301
[12:06] <romangg> But mostly worked on my SoK project: direct scanout wayland buffer in atomic mode setting.
[12:06] <romangg> also try to fix stuff I did the last time wrong here...
[12:06] <romangg> next
[12:06] <Riddell> plasma 5.9 is out tomorrow!
[12:07] <Riddell> that's all :)
[12:07] <s_20> \o/
[12:07] <Sho_> now notmart!
[12:07] <notmart> ok
[12:07] <notmart> * fixed crash of applet alternatives that would have been a showstopper for 5.9 release https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=375105
[12:07] <sKreamer> KDE bug 375105 in plasmashell (general) "Plasma Shell crashes (restarts) when choosing "Alternatives" from the "start icon" context menu" [crash,FIXED] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=375105
[12:07] <notmart> * long investigation on screwups of qtwayland with Qt 5.8 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=375539 https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-58423 produced simple test case
[12:07] <sKreamer> KDE bug 375539 in plasmashell (generic-wayland) "[Qt 5.8] Plasmashell windows are not marked as Desktop" [critical,] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=375539
[12:07] <notmart> * another multiscreen fix: interesting problems of emulating "cloned" displays https://phabricator.kde.org/D4309
[12:07] <sKreamer> Diff 4309 "fix isOutputRedundant logic" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4309
[12:07] <notmart> * Kirigami:
[12:08] <notmart> ** animated pop of pages off a PageRow
[12:08] <notmart> ** made easier to statically link in a qtcreator project using the .pri file (attached icons qrc file can be overridden by the parent project, easier to use git submodules)
[12:08] *** Quits: ShalokShalom (~quassel at 194-96-126-157.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[12:09] <notmart> done
[12:09] <Sho_> d_ed take it away!
[12:10] <d_ed> Last week:
[12:10] <d_ed> - Worked round an issue with DBusMenu on Qt5.7.0 which had a bug in it
[12:10] <d_ed> - Fixed a bug when switching wallpapers
[12:10] <d_ed> - Fixed that damn Solid bug that was crashing Plasma a lot
[12:10] <d_ed> This week:
[12:10] <d_ed> - finishing that Kicker glitch bug, I have one little bug left to fix
[12:11] <d_ed> I think that's it.
[12:11] <Sho_> not enough detail @ Fixed a bug when switching wallpapers :P
[12:12] <Sho_> but in lieu of that, bshah is on
[12:12] <bshah> alrihgt
[12:12] <bshah> - Still looking into issue of garbled text
[12:12] <bshah> - Trying to get apitrace working with libhybris, so we can get to bottom of issue
[12:12] <bshah> - Hit to issue of wayland session not working with Qt 5.8, reported bug and back to X11 :-(
[12:13] <bshah> questions? or next..
[12:13] <Sho_> that leaves yours truly
[12:13] <Sho_> * [General] Fixed Plasmoid.busy viz in desktop containment (busy spinner wasn't showing up)
[12:13] <Sho_> * [FV] Finished work on spring-loading patchset (additional bugfixes from review) & merged
[12:13] <Sho_> * [FV] Fixed a regression causing the selection not to be cleared when an ongoing rubberband selection no longer contains anything
[12:13] <Sho_> * [TM] Finished work on group popup dialog overhaul (additional bugfixes from review) & merged
[12:13] <Sho_> * [TM] Fixed group parents not reappearing when disabling inline grouping
[12:13] <Sho_> * [TM] Fixed VirtualBox pinning with newer versions of VirtualBox (review pending)
[12:13] <Sho_> * [TM] Working on a fix for MatchCommandLineFirst/servicesFromPid handling in taskmanagerrulesrc
[12:13] <Sho_> * [TM] Tuned audio indicator sizing more
[12:13] <Sho_> * [Launchers] Fixed sycoca reload killing favorites and/or crashing with pagination enabled (affects Simple Menu)
[12:13] *** ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom
[12:13] <Sho_> * [Simple Menu] Released on KDE Store and blogged, https://store.kde.org/p/1169537/ + https://blogs.kde.org/2017/01/30/simple-menu-launcher-kde-store
[12:14] <Sho_> * [Performance!] Had a migraine spell, used the inability to do creative stuff to set up QML Profiler and Gammaray to up my optimization/debug game and spot some low-hanging performance fruit:
[12:14] <Sho_> ** Optimized Pager rendering not to use clipping in delegates
[12:14] <Sho_> ++ Wrote https://codereview.qt-project.org/183677 for Qt which would cut ~10% QML time in Task Manager
[12:14] <Sho_> ** Massive performance improvements in Folder View on branch hein/fastFolders:
[12:14] <Sho_> *** Scrolling a large folder went from nigh-unusably stuttry to very nearly smooth
[12:14] <Sho_> *** The numerous changes for the above also improve navigation latencies (popups, drill-down)
[12:14] <Sho_> *** And save about ~10 MB of plasmashell memory in my test case (7x6 desktop widget pointed at large folder)
[12:14] <Sho_> *** Delayed setting the model on the view until listing is complete; saves tons of view busy work and allows listing to complete much faster (this is what I did the Plasmoid.busy fix for)
[12:14] <Sho_> *** Reviews: https://phabricator.kde.org/D4343, https://phabricator.kde.org/D4344, https://phabricator.kde.org/D4345
[12:14] <sKreamer> Diff 4343 "Greatly improve Folder View performance and mem usage." [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4343
[12:14] <sKreamer> Diff 4344 "Delay setting the model on the view until listing is finished." [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4344
[12:14] <sKreamer> Diff 4345 "Remove the TextFix workaround for QML text mouse handling bug." [Accepted] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4345
[12:14] <Sho_> *** Found out that plasmoid.busy is broken during the above, looking ...
[12:14] <Sho_> * [Other] Looking into helping Sysadmin with code changes to get Phabricator KDE-themed; asked VDG to get me colors to use, Jens is on it
[12:14] <Sho_> * [Personal] On vacation Feb 2nd & 3rd
[12:14] <Sho_> oh the 'Found out that plasmoid.busy is broken during the above, looking ...' line is outdated
[12:15] *** Joins: ltinkl (~ltinkl at dynamic-109-81-208-55.ipv4.broadband.iol.cz)
[12:15] <Sho_> questions or we're done!
[12:18] <romangg> Sho_: can't install your simple menu :´(
[12:18] <romangg> (via Add Widgets)
[12:18] <kbroulik> I dont understand why the alternatives popup doesnt slide in :(
[12:19] <bshah> btw... : https://notes.kde.org/p/plasma_affenfels : Now that we are less then week away.. feel in topics!!! :)
[12:19] <notmart> i feel them very much, yes :p
[12:19] * romangg feeling it
[12:19] <bshah> err
[12:20] <bshah> s/feel/fill/
[12:20] <romangg> bshah: can I add just any topic I think is important?
[12:20] <bshah> romangg: sure
[12:21] *** Joins: Kelsar (~quassel at unaffiliated/kelsar)
[12:21] *** Joins: josef64 (~quassel at unaffiliated/josef64)
[12:23] <Sho_> sorry, I couldn't type anymore because ibus broke
[12:23] <Sho_> meeting is over
[12:23] <Sho_> i'll send notes in a while
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