[KDE4] what component does the screenlocking?

Martin Gräßlin kde at martin-graesslin.com
Tue Feb 28 15:48:25 UTC 2017

Am 2017-02-28 10:20, schrieb René J.V. Bertin:
> What component(s) might be involved? Who's responsible for the
> screensaver and screen/session locking? Is there a way to get an
> on-screen keyboard in the session unlock screen?

As you should be aware of: kde4 has been unmaintained for years and is 
Given that there is nobody "responsible" for that. The screensaver 
infrastructure in KDE4 has been unmaintained for at least five years 

I have no idea whether it's possible to get an on-screen keyboard. It 
should be impossible, the lock screen architecture should prevent that.


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