Minutes Monday Plasma Meeting
Sebastian Kügler
sebas at kde.org
Mon Feb 20 11:31:49 UTC 2017
The meeting today was great.
It. Was. Great.
It really was!
http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org
-------------- next part --------------
Plasma Meeting minutes 20-02-2017
Present: romangg, d_ed, notmart, Sho_, kbroulik, bshah, sebas
* last week I mainly worked on my SoK project: https://phabricator.kde.org/D4539
Diff 4539 "[WIP][Drm Backend] Direct Buffer Scanout and Atomic Modesetting improvements" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4539
* There's also this additional cursor, which needs a review: https://phabricator.kde.org/D4358
Diff 4358 "[cursors] Add 36px (1.5 scaling) size for Breeze and Breeze Snow Cursors" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4358
* I made a task to imrpvoe Plasma PA applet and KCM: https://phabricator.kde.org/T5412
Task 5412 "Improve Plasma PA usability" [Open,Needs Triage] {Plasma,VDG} https://phabricator.kde.org/T5412
* I did progress with my wayland compositor in a QQuickItem project, for making a QtQuick system settings
* I've pushed it here kde:scrach/david/waylandcompositoritem (just now, so might take a while)
* I managed to get sub windows (like a file open dialog) to render outside the compositor, but proxying that surface upwards
* work on drop menus merge:
** KIO: -> merged
** plasma-desktop -> merged
** plasma-framework -> merged
* fixed loading kpackages directly from tarball -> merged
* folderview as default -> merged
* plasma themed QQC2: https://phabricator.kde.org/D4508
Diff 4508 "[WIP] Plasma controls based on QtQuickControls2" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4508
* preview thumbnail for the disk quota plasmoid in the breeze icon theme -> merged
* https://phabricator.kde.org/D4648 try harder at a workaroundfor proper item visible on wallpaper config
Diff 4648 "try harder to make the selected wallpaper visible" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4648
* Kirigami2:
** fixed pull to refresh when a listview has a custom header: needed for how discover does headers, that may soon become a standard component in kirigami
correction on last point: discover-style listview headers did become a standard component, didn't notice it was slightly outdated
* We now have media controls on the lock screen \o/
* Backported to 5.8 a fix for a notification popup placement glitch
* We now have "Jump List Actions" in Task Manager for Dolphin (any app that has "FileManager" category) that list your Places (e.g. Downloads folder)
* Found an interesting article wrt (perceived) security https://medium.com/@cassidyjames/secure-by-default-689abcac6c66#.fmejj9o7d has some nice ideas we could evaluate for Plasma
* [TM] Fixed regression breaking manual reordering of pinned apps, happened with the per-activity launcher rework
* [TM] Fixed a crash when switching between activities with different launchers/windows
* [TM] Finished and merged user-requested overhaul of alphabetic sorting behavior
* [TM] Fixed a super obscure crash in libtm's transients-demanding-attention handling that needed weird wine app custom notification bubbles to root out
* [TM] While doing the above optimized transient handling for performance, saving model data changes and excessive loops
* [TM] Fixed regression causing tasks to be pinned while doing manual resorting via DND
** Lately I fix a lot of bugs introduced by other people's commits - somehow I need to improve my review performance to catch it earlier
* [Launchers] Reviewed Ivan's per-activity favorites work
* [Launchers] Still looking into Maui's problems with KServiceGroup childCount() handling for menu categories affected by .kmenu exclude directives
* [FV] Currently reworking the economics of icon DND on the desktop a bit to better match expectations for where things end up on drops
* [Other] Bunch of smaller bugfix things in the pipe, weekend tickets and the like
* Getting systemd working inside android lxc container
* and also today morning working on fixing the issue of the flashtool
- Was in contact with a phone maker, we talked and I explained, they may show up on the Plasma list for questions
- They asked to keep details outside of the public, so I'm channeling info to the right people
- checking on a large scale enterprise Plasma setup to see if they're doing OK, together with Kai
- Nothing else directly Plasma related to report, not sure this changes this week
- need to finish the dot story
IRC Log:
[11:59:30] <sebas> Meeting... :)
[11:59:34] <sebas> Who'
[11:59:36] <sebas> s there?
[12:01:05] <romangg> I'm here
[12:01:09] <-- nowrep (~david at kde/developer/drosca) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[12:01:14] <d_ed> I'm also here
[12:01:18] <notmart> here
[12:01:24] <romangg> can I go first. need to leave early.
[12:01:56] <sebas> sure, romangg't turn
[12:02:02] <sebas> and hey guys
[12:02:47] <romangg> hello! :) last week I mainly worked on my SoK project: https://phabricator.kde.org/D4539
[12:02:48] <sKreamer> Diff 4539 "[WIP][Drm Backend] Direct Buffer Scanout and Atomic Modesetting improvements" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4539
[12:02:48] <kbroulik> Sho_: when I have manual sorting and disable "keep launchers separate", when I then manually re-order the launchers and start an app, its order reverts back to the auto-sorting
[12:02:54] <kbroulik> oh, sorry, didnt see meeting started
[12:03:09] <romangg> There's also this additional cursor, which needs a review: https://phabricator.kde.org/D4358
[12:03:10] <sKreamer> Diff 4358 "[cursors] Add 36px (1.5 scaling) size for Breeze and Breeze Snow Cursors" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4358
[12:03:17] <Sho_> here
[12:03:31] <romangg> And I made a task to imrpvoe Plasma PA applet and KCM: https://phabricator.kde.org/T5412
[12:03:31] <sKreamer> Task 5412 "Improve Plasma PA usability" [Open,Needs Triage] {Plasma,VDG} https://phabricator.kde.org/T5412
[12:03:37] <Sho_> kbroulik: this might be the bug I fixed the other day (you will see in my notes)
[12:03:57] <romangg> If you're interested, leave some ideas how to improve it yourself or approve/dismiss our ideas.
[12:04:05] <romangg> questions? next otherwise
[12:04:24] <sebas> nice work :)
[12:04:25] <Sho_> romangg: saw that write up, great work
[12:04:30] <sebas> d_ed's turn
[12:04:39] <romangg> Oh, if there is some guy from VDG here: need you at the task!
[12:04:43] <brdcrbs> Can anyone explain how one can test plasma build with changes in code? Is this done via xephyr?
[12:05:00] <d_ed> Not done much Plasma stuff, my work has been busy
[12:05:16] <d_ed> I did progress with my wayland compositor in a QQuickItem project, for making a QtQuick system settings
[12:05:27] <d_ed> I've pushed it here kde:scrach/david/waylandcompositoritem (just now, so might take a while)
[12:05:44] <-- josef64 (~quassel at unaffiliated/josef64) has quit (Quit: josef64)
[12:05:45] <-- Kelsar (~quassel at unaffiliated/kelsar) has quit (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
[12:05:51] <d_ed> I managed to get sub windows (like a file open dialog) to render outside the compositor, but proxying that surface upwards
[12:06:04] <sebas> brdcrbs: we're doing an IRC meeting right now, but afterwards, someone can explain it
[12:06:18] <brdcrbs> sebas: nice, thanks
[12:06:43] <bshah> also here btw.. o/
[12:06:53] <d_ed> but for tooltips comboboxes with relative positions it's going to mean implementing a lot more of the shell interface than I was hoping for when I started
[12:07:07] <sebas> bah
[12:07:15] <sebas> that could end up being a lot of mostly boilerplate?
[12:07:16] <d_ed> but I don't think it's impossible
[12:07:27] <romangg> d_ed: can you give an example of an KCM, which needs that?
[12:07:38] <sebas> or is it pretty much just instantiating kwayland classes and praise mgraesslin?
[12:07:58] <llucas> why QtQuick system settings need a wayland compositor?
[12:08:18] <notmart> hmm, couldn't menus and comboboxes just be forced to stay on the same window?
[12:08:19] <d_ed> romangg: any QWidget KCM with a file open dialog, like colours
[12:08:21] <-- timl (~timl at has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[12:08:40] <d_ed> notmart: sure but you still need to handle new windows with relative positions
[12:08:43] <notmart> i guess the main problem is that's hard to ensure they won't go outside the boundaries...
[12:09:36] --> Kelsar (~quassel at unaffiliated/kelsar) has joined #plasma
[12:09:36] --> josef64 (~quassel at unaffiliated/josef64) has joined #plasma
[12:09:52] <-- goyox86_ (~textual at has quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[12:09:56] <romangg> llucas: It's a workaround to get a qml based syse without having all kcms already ported to qml.
[12:10:07] <sebas> notmart thinks of Plasma::Dialog's placement strategies and starts sweating profusely...
[12:10:24] <notmart> pretty much
[12:10:37] <sebas> your turn though
[12:10:51] <notmart> ok
[12:11:09] <notmart> * work on drop menus merge:
[12:11:10] <notmart> ** KIO: -> merged
[12:11:12] <notmart> ** plasma-desktop -> merged
[12:11:13] <notmart> ** plasma-framework -> merged
[12:11:15] <notmart> * fixed loading kpackages directly from tarball -> merged
[12:11:16] <notmart> * folderview as default -> merged
[12:11:18] <notmart> * plasma themed QQC2: https://phabricator.kde.org/D4508
[12:11:18] <sKreamer> Diff 4508 "[WIP] Plasma controls based on QtQuickControls2" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4508
[12:11:19] <notmart> * preview thumbnail for the disk quota plasmoid in the breeze icon theme -> merged
[12:11:21] <notmart> * https://phabricator.kde.org/D4648 try harder at a workaroundfor proper item visible on wallpaper config
[12:11:21] <sKreamer> Diff 4648 "try harder to make the selected wallpaper visible" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4648
[12:11:22] <notmart> * Kirigami2:
[12:11:24] <notmart> ** fixed pull to refresh when a listview has a custom header: needed for how discover does headers, that may soon become a standard component in kirigami
[12:11:58] <notmart> correction on last point: discover-style listview headers did become a standard component, didn't notice it was slightly outdated
[12:13:09] <sebas> merge-spree!
[12:13:10] <sebas> nice
[12:13:12] <notmart> and yeah, now means folderview should be default for new installations, dropping text on folderview containment is able to create a note as well
[12:13:21] <sebas> \o/
[12:13:21] <Sho_> yay
[12:13:22] <notmart> (or whatever other actions are supported)
[12:13:46] <notmart> holding ctrl should directly copy the file without presenting any menu as usual
[12:13:56] <kbroulik> awesome :)
[12:14:01] <sebas> next up Sho, then bshah, then me
[12:14:04] <sebas> aaaand kbroulik :)
[12:14:07] <kbroulik> now if we could "just" have a solution for the two screens sharing the same folder thing :P
[12:14:09] <sebas> hey dude
[12:14:11] <kbroulik> * We now have media controls on the lock screen \o/
[12:14:11] <kbroulik> * Backported to 5.8 a fix for a notification popup placement glitch
[12:14:11] <kbroulik> * We now have "Jump List Actions" in Task Manager for Dolphin (any app that has "FileManager" category) that list your Places (e.g. Downloads folder)
[12:14:11] <kbroulik> * Found an interesting article wrt (perceived) security https://medium.com/@cassidyjames/secure-by-default-689abcac6c66#.fmejj9o7d has some nice ideas we could evaluate for Plasma
[12:14:36] <-- Kelsar (~quassel at unaffiliated/kelsar) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[12:15:04] <Sho_> me now?
[12:15:09] <sebas> y
[12:15:11] <sebas> go!
[12:15:13] <Sho_> * [TM] Fixed regression breaking manual reordering of pinned apps, happened with the per-activity launcher rework
[12:15:15] <Sho_> * [TM] Fixed a crash when switching between activities with different launchers/windows
[12:15:16] <Sho_> * [TM] Finished and merged user-requested overhaul of alphabetic sorting behavior
[12:15:18] <Sho_> * [TM] Fixed a super obscure crash in libtm's transients-demanding-attention handling that needed weird wine app custom notification bubbles to root out
[12:15:19] <Sho_> * [TM] While doing the above optimized transient handling for performance, saving model data changes and excessive loops
[12:15:21] <Sho_> * [TM] Fixed regression causing tasks to be pinned while doing manual resorting via DND
[12:15:22] <Sho_> ** Lately I fix a lot of bugs introduced by other people's commits - somehow I need to improve my review performance to catch it earlier
[12:15:24] <Sho_> * [Launchers] Reviewed Ivan's per-activity favorites work
[12:15:25] <Sho_> * [Launchers] Still looking into Maui's problems with KServiceGroup childCount() handling for menu categories affected by .kmenu exclude directives
[12:15:27] <Sho_> * [FV] Currently reworking the economics of icon DND on the desktop a bit to better match expectations for where things end up on drops
[12:15:28] <Sho_> * [Other] Bunch of smaller bugfix things in the pipe, weekend tickets and the like
[12:15:58] <Sho_> next()
[12:16:04] <sebas> Sho_: something you may have missed during our meeting, we want to not just list patches, but more general direction, tell what we're planning to work on, and blockers
[12:16:14] <sebas> so more interactive, less scripted list dumping
[12:16:46] <Sho_> k (I usually do list ongoing work though, as seen above)
[12:17:00] --> Kelsar (~quassel at unaffiliated/kelsar) has joined #plasma
[12:17:11] --> goyox86 (~textual at has joined #plasma
[12:17:13] <kbroulik> Sho_: "economics of icon DND"?
[12:17:19] <sebas> yes, but since you may have missed it when we discussed it during the meeting, it's good for you to know
[12:17:24] <Sho_> kbroulik: typo, I meant ergonomics
[12:17:37] <kbroulik> such as? a smaller hover area and the like?
[12:17:38] <Sho_> sebas: aye, thanks
[12:18:10] <Sho_> kbroulik: mainly the drop position thing you approached me about a few times
[12:18:15] <kbroulik> <3
[12:18:20] <Sho_> <3
[12:19:04] <Sho_> So since most people above also just did "patch dumping", I guess we still have to figure out that new meeting direction
[12:19:41] <sebas> my perception is that it's getting a bit better already
[12:19:50] <Riddell> there's three items in needs review on https://phabricator.kde.org/project/view/35/
[12:19:59] <-- palasso (~quassel at 2a02:214d:8037:200:5b34:b376:37f1:e743) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:20:02] <notmart> yep, i for now just did list explicitly merge requests that still need review, just said merged without link the merged ones...
[12:20:05] <Riddell> anyone exect to review those?
[12:20:12] <notmart> but maybe would be good 2 different lists
[12:20:15] <sebas> attendance is a bit low, but pretty stable, and the notes are generally useful to get a weekly overview
[12:20:20] <d_ed> I'm reviewing the QQC2 stuff
[12:20:24] <notmart> things i did, things i have questions with/planning
[12:20:30] <d_ed> I'll try and do that by Wednesday
[12:20:31] <Sho_> Riddell: the "global favorites" one is in flight
[12:20:38] <sebas> could foster direct collaboration a bit more, but there's just many tasks which need a single person to look into
[12:20:50] <Riddell> Sho_: cool. what does that mean?
[12:20:55] <Sho_> Riddell: Ivan's done a first draft Phab, I reviewed it recently, it needs rebasing and some touchups, and overall will likely get into 5.10
[12:21:08] <Riddell> gotcha
[12:21:23] <-- goyox86 (~textual at has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:21:53] <Riddell> Plasma 5.8.6 is due out tomorrow, remember to backport your fixes
[12:21:55] <notmart> and, yes, going over that phab board every week, that was another thing we discussed :)
[12:22:03] <tosky> Riddell: about this: https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/release-team/2017-February/010121.html
[12:22:14] <tosky> fixes required for 5.8.6
[12:22:30] <Riddell> tosky: yes good point. has anyone looked at that?
[12:22:35] <Sho_> I was interested in backporting the TM group dialog rewrite to 5.8, but there's a bug report on it open (that I can't reproduce) so I'll hold off
[12:22:38] <-- Caterpillar (~caterpill at unaffiliated/caterpillar) has quit (Quit: You were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.)
[12:22:54] <Riddell> I can look at khotkeys if nobody else has
[12:23:03] <notmart> tosky: i can backport 617de4bd3fd080d43cce9bdc8af82963960d5c3a
[12:23:05] <sebas> let's get on with the meeting though ... bshah
[12:23:06] --> ltinkl (~ltinkl at 2a00:1028:83cc:7d32:c5ff:e11c:4195:a2f4) has joined #plasma
[12:23:13] <sebas> on and over with it, I say!
[12:23:19] <Riddell> oh sorry thought everyone was done
[12:23:30] <bshah> okay..
[12:23:39] <bshah> So basically I am working on single issue...
[12:23:50] <bshah> Getting systemd working inside android lxc container
[12:24:15] <bshah> and also today morning working on fixing the issue of the flashtool
[12:24:16] --> Caterpillar (~caterpill at unaffiliated/caterpillar) has joined #plasma
[12:24:27] <bshah> thats it from my side
[12:24:31] <Sho_> what's the challenges on the systemd thing?
[12:25:02] <sebas> systemd wants to swallow the container? ;)
[12:25:04] <sebas> j/k
[12:25:07] <bshah> it is challenge itself..
[12:25:11] <bshah> :)
[12:25:24] <bshah> but well.. I will be documenting things properly by next meeting
[12:25:26] <bshah> sorry
[12:25:37] <sebas> no problem
[12:25:41] <sebas> my turn
[12:25:44] <Sho_> np, I was just trying to adopt the interactivity mantle
[12:25:56] <sebas> - Was in contact with a phone maker, we talked and I explained, they may show up on the Plasma list for questions
[12:25:56] <sebas> - They asked to keep details outside of the public, so I'm channeling info to the right people
[12:25:56] <sebas> - checking on a large scale enterprise Plasma setup to see if they're doing OK, together with Kai
[12:25:56] <sebas> - Nothing else directly Plasma related to report, not sure this changes this week
[12:26:14] <sebas> - ow, I need to write that sprint dot story
[12:26:19] <-- Delta-One (~zero at 2001:2002:51e2:7ba1:e216:8860:f727:279b) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[12:26:22] <sebas> is partly on my disk, well asleep
[12:26:52] <sebas> If I don't make sigificant progress with that this week, I'll cry out for help
[12:27:03] <sebas> Any questions, anything else?
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