Look and Feel in 5.8

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Tue Feb 7 11:34:03 UTC 2017


One of the topics that were put in the Etherpad for the Plasma sprint is the 

 - get new look&feel: remove it from 5.8? users complain that breaks their 
system as it doesn't support dependencies in 5.8 (deps can't be backported 
either,as would bump frameworks requirement); now we have 8 look and feel 
themes in kde store ( 4 of them are mine and require Plasma 5.9), 2 of them 
are hosted on gihub and can't be downloaded  via get new look, Arc KDE is 
broken (becuse does not support dependencies, will contact the author) so the 
impact on removing that button from Plasma 5.8.x should be minimal

We did discuss it during the sprint, but since llucas couldn't participate in 
this discussion, let's continue it here, on the mailing list.



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