D9201: Slightly reduce vertical gutter width.

Chris Holland noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Dec 5 19:02:50 UTC 2017

Zren added a comment.

  Before patch:
  - `GridView.cellHeight` was `icon.height + text.height + 6 * smallSpacing`
  - `Loader {id: frameLoader }` was `icon.height + text.height + 5 * smallSpacing`. It also has a `y offset` giving it a `1 * smallSpacing` top margin.
  After patch:
  - `GridView.cellHeight` is now `icon.height + text.height + 3 * smallSpacing`
  - `Loader {id: frameLoader }` is now `icon.height + text.height + 4 * smallSpacing`, which will overlap the icon below it by `1 * smallSpacing` no? Even though it still has the `1 * smallSpacing` top margin, I'm seeing some overlap.
  It's more noticeable if you do `var extraHeight = 0;`
  F5529319: 2017-12-05___13-35-02.png <https://phabricator.kde.org/F5529319>
  - yellow = `GridView.delegate` outline
  - cyan = `Loader { id: frameLoader }` outline
  Outline with:
    Rectangle { border.color: "#0ff"; anchors.fill: parent; border.width: 1; color: "transparent"; }
  Before the patch, we had:
  - `6 * smallSpacing` cellHeight
  - `1 * smallSpacing` top margin (`frameLoader.y`)
  - `2 * smallSpacing` top padding above the icon (`icon.anchors.topMargin`)
  - `1 * smallSpacing` spacing between icon and label (`label.anchors.topMargin`)
  - `2 * smallSpacing` bottom padding (the remaining height of the frameLoader for the bottom padding inside the frame.
  - `extraHeight` bottom margin which gives each cell a bit of extra height so that we don't have a bunch of empty space at the bottom.

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: hein, #plasma
Cc: Zren, plasma-devel, ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart
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