D7536: Register klipper DBus interface when in non-standalone mode

Heiko Becker noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Aug 26 18:37:04 UTC 2017

heikobecker added a comment.

  > But you can clear klipper's history. As you point out yourself "klipper provides that in the UI." From our POV what does it matter if that's exposed via a button here, or elsewhere. The fact that you could have malware doesn't remove the legit reasons to talk to the clipboard manager you're running.
  I'd also consider it a valid use case to hide the clipboard history from an human observer, e.g. a bystander behind your shoulder, or a friend you give your laptop for a quick task.
  > I have no idea how Sweeper presents their call to us in their UI - and I don't really care. If they make some outrageous claim about removing any blocking all clipboard loggers, that's clearly on them.
  It offers to clear "Saved Clipboard Contents" with "Clears the clipboard contents stored by Klipper" as description, which is IMHO quite a solid claim.

  R120 Plasma Workspace


To: davidedmundson, #plasma
Cc: graesslin, heikobecker, broulik, plasma-devel, ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart, lukas
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