D7539: Dolphin - Add autoplay feature for media files

Pekka Helenius noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Aug 25 13:12:18 UTC 2017

pekkah created this revision.
pekkah added projects: Plasma, Dolphin.
Restricted Application added subscribers: Konqueror, plasma-devel.

  This code patch attempts to implement a missing autoplay feature to Dolphin file browser for media files (videos and audio files).
  As commented in the code, there are several issues which should be targeted. They are:
  **1)**Autoplay starts (related to qtimer) even if the target file has changed before the timer has run out
  **2)** Stop/destroy the media file preview once user does not highlight the specific item/Dolphin main window or use the window
  And alternatively, these two, too (the 4th part is not described in the code) as toggleable features?
  **3)** On/Off feature: Limit autoplay depending on file type. Autoplay should only apply to audio files, exclude video files. Handy for large movie files which do not probably need a preview feature.
  **4)** On/Off feature: Limit autoplay by file size. Idea here is to limit the autoplay to apply only for small media files (such as desktop effect sounds) and exclude big media files such as music tracks.

  The patch has been tested on multiple Dolphin versions, including 16.12.3, 17.04 and the latest one: 17.08. Compiles fine, works as expected.
  Linux distro used: Arch Linux (64-bit).
  The patch file has been applied into the program source code by slightly modifiying an existing PKGBUILD file for dolphin (added patch file as a recognizable source file). The original PKGBUILD file is available here: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk?h=packages/dolphin
  The patch should be considered as a partial implementation. To make the full implementation, see TODO part in Summary field above.
  User can disable or enable this feature by following these steps:
  1. compile Dolphin from source, apply the patch file
  2. install compiled Dolphin package
  3. Open Dolphin, and go to Settings -> Configure Dolphin...
  4. Open Navigation tab, and enable/disable "Play media files automatically" feature
  5. Save your changes

  R318 Dolphin



To: pekkah, #dolphin, #plasma
Cc: #plasma, plasma-devel, #dolphin, pekkah, #konqueror, navarromorales, ZrenBot, firef, andrebarros, progwolff, emmanuelp, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart, lukas
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