Default touch screen edge gestures

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Mon Apr 10 14:26:47 UTC 2017

On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 11:24 AM, Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin at> wrote:
> Hi Plasmates,
> now that we have touch screen edge swipe gesture support both on X11 and
> Wayland we could define which actions to put on each edge.
> My suggestion would be to put a sensible action on each of the four actions.
> Personal proposal:
> *Left Edge:*
> Window Switching as the default alt+tab theme is on the left side. Also on
> Windows 10 this happens on the left edge.
> *Top Edge:*
> Present Windows as 4 finger swipe downwards on touchpad triggers present
> windows.
> *Bottom Edge:*
> Desktop Grid as 4 finger swipe upwards on touchpad triggers desktop grid.
> *Right Edge:*
> Application launcher
> What I dislike about the proposal is: Present Windows and Alt+Tab are kind
> of redundant. Given that a better default edge would be nice for top edge.
> KRunner would be a nice fit as it's also on top, but it's rather useless on
> touch.
> The application launcher is rather disconnected in the default setup if we
> swipe in from left screen. What I personally would prefer if we could
> trigger the application dashboard. Of course we still don't have working
> touch support in the application launchers, so if we go for that we need
> fixing (same applies for alt+tab btw.).
> So please comment and propose your own ideas.
> Cheers
> Martin

Shouldn't it depend on the current configuration?
For example, I would expect the Application launcher to be triggered
wherever the panel is present...


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