Minutes Monday Plasma Meeting

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Sep 12 10:38:37 UTC 2016

Plasma Meeting minutes 12-9-2016

Present: bshah, Sho, d_ed, mgraesslin, notmart, Riddell, sebas

Notes from Akademy: https://notes.kde.org/p/akademy-2k16-plasma-bof-topics

- Rebuilding packages for mobile CI
- Attempting to replace simplelogin with sddm on mobile
    - somehow sddm doesn't start

* Fixed some status notifier items not appearing
* (hopefully) Fixed a very complex crash on shutdown
* Fixed "empty panel" disappearing revert
* Fixed network manager not coming back after restart
* Fix sometimes not appearing
* Fixed clock in vertical panel
* Fixed keyboard nav in KCategorizedView
* Met with Munich people:
 - demoed the script on applet creation.
 - they seemed pleased with it
 - still have some issues with icons on desktops, as icons on second desktop 
are not visible.
* I have a tool to auto generate docs for plasma configs *REQUIRES ACTION FROM 

- Finished Pager rewrite and associated libtm changes, got it merged
-- Blogged about it: https://blogs.kde.org/2016/09/06/plasma-58-more-efficient-pager-and-activity-pager-widgets
- Added screen filtering option to Pager
-- Blogged about that too: https://blogs.kde.org/2016/09/11/plasma-58-screen-pagers
- Further Simple Menu (scratch/hein/simplemenu) UI adjustments
- Better handling of demands-attention tasks when filtering by activity in 
- Reviewed new Breeze task button theme
- Merged long-gestating patch to fix FV rename editor geometry
- Looking into making DND resorting on the Task Manager more robust, some bug 
- Had a planning meeting for the Seoul KDE birthday party, did some work on 
recruiting corporate sponsorship, petitioned the Neon team for the Koreanized 
USB image we need
- Currently building Qt 5.8 branch
- I got injured and developed a serious infection/abcess along the way, meant 
minor surgery and bouts of light fever, already fine again by now tho

*  focus on Wayland bugs this weekh

* at akademy mostly looked at bugs and reviews
* got plasma running on 5.8 branch, little to no change in startup time
* worked on kirigami, mostly with apol to see problems with discover
* working on a last multiscreen issue in plasmashell: if the panel controller 
was open, switching primary screen always put panels at offset 0
* next week will motly look at bugs

* [...]

- basic OSD for XF86Display button
- Shorter KCM name, less scrollbars in English
- will style the display identification in kscreen as well
- got a new graphics card, 4K display now works on native resolution
- but ... https://plus.google.com/+SebastianK%C3%BCgler/posts/Cx5S4xAgiNJ
- some Plasma roadmap management planned
- plugin caching stuff ended up on my list
- further on to testing plasma on wayland

Sebastian Kügler    •    http://vizZzion.orghttp://www.kde.org

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