[Differential] [Commented On] D2711: add osd slot for screen layout changes

sebas (Sebastian Kügler) noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Sep 8 21:45:04 UTC 2016

sebas added a comment.

  I had a look at showing the OSD on all screens, and it isn't looking very simple. The situation is as follows:
  In kscreen, we already have an OSDs, the one when you click on the "Identify" button in bottom right corner the display configuration module's layout view. This isn't styled (it just used text and background color), and of course it doesn't work on wayland, the osd is placed more or less randomly).
  Then, we have the XF86Display button, which currently does things that the user may or may not understand, we want to help that a bit by displaying an OSD.
  Bottom line: let's get something simple (just showing the osd with the video-display icon and a short description of the new layout) when the button is pressed for 5.8.
  For 5.9+, this should be redone so both OSDs use decent Plasma styling, and the XF86Display button shows an OSD cycling through the modes, so the user also sees what happens when she presses the button again (behaves a bit like alt-tab then).

  rPLASMAWORKSPACE Plasma Workspace



To: sebas, #plasma
Cc: broulik, plasma-devel, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas
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