Plasma 5.9 Kickoff Meeting

Alex L. alexl at
Thu Oct 6 19:52:41 UTC 2016

On mercoledì 5 ottobre 2016 14:12:51 CEST Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> What was good about 5.8?  What would you like to see in 5.9?  Come to
> the Kickoff meeting to discuss the future of our favourite desktop.
> To schedule the meeting please mark when you're free on this Doodle
> poll and I'll pick the most popular time.
> Please suggest items for the meeting agenda.
> Jonathan


if I won't be able to join the meeting, I would like to suggest now a feature:

syncing Plasma's configuration between installations on different PCs. It could 
be done through a custom app for ownCloud/Nextcloud and through a import/
export option for who doesn't have oC/Nc and just want to migrate his config to 
another PC. Ideally the sync would include the look, the layout, Online 
Accouts and any other preference that has sense to be shared between 

At the moment syncing the config files manually is (obviously) a bad idea.

I hope this suggestion is sane for Plasma 5.9.


Alessandro Longo

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