Minutes Monday Plasma Meeting

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Tue Nov 15 13:58:28 UTC 2016

Minutes from Monday's weekly Plasma meeting

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Plasma Meeting minutes 14-11-2016

Present: notmart, kbroulik, d_ed, bshah, Sho, romangg, sebas

* triaging
* wednesday passed in effort to iron out multiscreen problems
* Kirigami2
** side drawers not on overlay drawer when modal, but on the same layer to make easier to put stuff on top, as is expected by a normal sidebar
** bumped import version to 2.0, installs in org.kde.kirigami.2, to allow coinstallability with kirigami 1
* Desktop QQC2 style:
** SpinBox.qml
** Popup.qml
** Menu.qml
** MenuItem.qml
** quite a storm on qt devel mailinglist and channels :o somebody asked for it to be upstreamed (in a bit trolling way) I'm torn on this: iwould be nice but i don' tink it would be worth the big amount of time that would have be consumed by that, given thta is to be a temporary solution

* Fixed Google Chrome webapps task manager mapping rules (chrome needlessly changed window id from google-chrome to Google-chrome)
HoloIRCUser2 is now known as llucas
* Worked on indicating applications playing audio in task manager: http://blog.broulik.de/2016/11/distraction-free-workspace/ - infrastructure is merged (X only so far, will look into Wayland impl); applet bits on review: https://phabricator.kde.org/D3302  Diff 3302 "[Task Manager] Indicate applications playing audio" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3302
* Don't forget to add yourselves to https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Affenfels

* helped with some multiscreen things
* still working on the kwin scaling, now the openGL side
* still stuck on one thing there, but some progress

- Investigating new device for plasma mobile
- Talking with some community members for more device ports
- slightly hard but want to increase coverage of devices for plasma mobile
I've some rough plans on how community can work on ports..

* Code reviews and talk on kwin/kwayland stuff, libtm (pid data role by Kai, optimizations by Aleix), other stuff
* Some reddit discussion
* Yakuake work
** More talk with Marco about KPackage docs and a KPackage macro issue
** Theme loading and switching (based on KPackage)
** Window shadows from theme
** Lots of thinking and playing around with basic architecture of what and how components and context data get exposed to the QML inside the themes running the UI
* Will probably do some short vacationing at the end of Nov or in Dec (too many untaken v-days), still looking for dates

* I worked on the touchpad kcm in wayland. lots of new stuff to learn for me again so progress is slow. but it's steady: I integrate it in the old kcm and it switches the backend and gui (wayland one is qml based) if in wayland session.

- triaged a bunch of kscreen bugs
- finally able to reproduce the "plasma doesn't adapt to vm host window" problem
- working on fixing this bug, but waiting for neon to be rebuilt
- picking up the work on the OSD, though I started to have problems starting kwayland, will check with mgraesslin
- this week is mostly focused on OSD, new KCM and the dynamic modes stuff in kscreen

Full log:

12:00:47 <sebas> Meeting!
12:00:52 <sebas> Who's in?
12:00:57 <notmart> here
12:01:00 -*- bshah
12:01:03 -*- kbroulik
12:01:09 -*- d_ed here
12:01:17 <Sho_> here
12:01:23 <d_ed> romangg: do you have a link to your client code?
12:02:00 <romangg> d_ed: ok. i pushed my try by changing the cmake file also now.
12:02:15 <sebas> notmart: wanna start?
12:02:43 <notmart> ok
12:02:50 <notmart> * triaging
12:02:51 <notmart> * wednesday passed in effort to iron out multiscreen problems
12:02:53 <notmart> * Kirigami2
12:02:54 <notmart> ** side drawers not on overlay drawer when modal, but on the same layer to make easier to put stuff on top, as is expected by a normal sidebar
12:02:56 <notmart> ** bumped import version to 2.0, installs in org.kde.kirigami.2, to allow coinstallability with kirigami 1
12:02:57 <notmart> * Desktop QQC2 style:
12:02:59 <notmart> ** SpinBox.qml
12:03:00 <notmart> ** Popup.qml
12:03:02 <notmart> ** Menu.qml
12:03:03 <notmart> ** MenuItem.qml
12:03:05 <notmart> ** quite a storm on qt devel mailinglist and channels :o somebody asked for it to be upstreamed (in a bit trolling way) I'm torn on this: iwould be nice but i don' tink it would be worth the big amount of time that would have be consumed by that, given thta is to be a temporary solution
12:03:31 -*- Sho_ had a somewhat heated follow-up exchange about this in #qt-labs as well
12:03:34 <notmart> questions/next?
12:03:50 --> HoloIRCUser2 (~holoirc at user-94-254-161-203.play-internet.pl) has joined #plasma
12:04:07 <sebas> kbroulik: your turn
12:04:17 <kbroulik> * Fixed Google Chrome webapps task manager mapping rules (chrome needlessly changed window id from google-chrome to Google-chrome)
12:04:21 <-> HoloIRCUser2 is now known as llucas
12:04:28 <kbroulik> * Worked on indicating applications playing audio in task manager: http://blog.broulik.de/2016/11/distraction-free-workspace/ - infrastructure is merged (X only so far, will look into Wayland impl); applet bits on review: https://phabricator.kde.org/D3302
12:04:28 <sKreamer> Diff 3302 "[Task Manager] Indicate applications playing audio" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3302
12:04:38 <kbroulik> * Don't forget to add yourselves to https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Affenfels
12:04:43 <kbroulik> next
12:05:04 <sebas> d_ed!
12:05:07 <notmart> ah, crap, must remember to book all the stuff :/
12:05:11 -*- bshah o??
12:05:22 <d_ed> helped with some multiscreen things
12:05:22 <romangg> d_ed: https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=clones%2Fplasma-desktop%2Fromangilg%2Fplasma-desktop.git&a=blob&h=bc2e32c4c567f93a29dc8baddc7b6732caa57e50&hb=56dfc50ce212d78abf24c200adeb6704508e9b80&f=kcms%2Ftouchpad%2Fsrc%2Fbackends%2Fkwin_wayland%2Fkwinwaylandbackend.cpp
12:05:24 <sebas> bshah: added to the list, forgot indeed ... sorry!
12:05:32 <d_ed> still working on the kwin scaling, now the openGL side
12:05:47 <d_ed> still stuck on one thing there
12:05:56 <d_ed> but some progress
12:06:00 <sebas> very nice
12:06:16 <sebas> d_ed: I got a 100 and a 200+ dpi output on my workstation, glad to test
12:06:27 <sebas> somewhen this week, not really in a hurry and bit stuffed today
12:06:36 <sebas> bshah: your turn
12:06:40 <bshah> ok
12:06:44 -*- Sho_ knows some users who regularly ask about per-screen dpi who will be happy
12:06:47 <bshah> not much updates..
12:06:50 <bshah> - Investigating new device for plasma mobile
12:06:52 <bshah> - Talking with some community members for more device ports
12:06:54 <bshah> - slightly hard but want to increase coverage of devices for plasma mobile
12:07:13 <bshah> I've some rough plans on how community can work on ports..
12:07:15 <bshah> otherwise next
12:08:27 <sebas> Sho_'s next
12:08:32 <Sho_> * Code reviews and talk on kwin/kwayland stuff, libtm (pid data role by Kai, optimizations by Aleix), other stuff
12:08:34 <Sho_> * Some reddit discussion
12:08:35 <Sho_> * Yakuake work
12:08:36 <Sho_> ** More talk with Marco about KPackage docs and a KPackage macro issue
12:08:38 <Sho_> ** Theme loading and switching (based on KPackage)
12:08:39 <Sho_> ** Window shadows from theme
12:08:41 <Sho_> ** Lots of thinking and playing around with basic architecture of what and how components and context data get exposed to the QML inside the themes running the UI
12:08:42 <Sho_> * Will probably do some short vacationing at the end of Nov or in Dec (too many untaken v-days), still looking for dates
12:08:50 <Sho_> oh, I forgot to finish that line, the reddit discussion was about wine support issues in the tm and kwin
12:09:03 <sebas> "the kpackage marco issue" :-)
12:09:24 <Sho_> no no, Marco is not an issue, he wrote awesome KPackage docs that allowed me to use it ;)
12:09:40 <Sho_> questions | next
12:09:47 <sebas> "the kpackage marco non-issue"
12:09:55 <sebas> romangg is next up
12:10:40 <Sho_> the kpackage docs thing btw was where I refused to use lxr to steal code reference bits from plasmashell & co, i wanted to use the framework purely based on docs which originally didn't really exist
12:10:50 --> Son_Goku (~ngompa at ool-457cb820.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #plasma
12:10:54 <Sho_> was a good opportunity to make the framework more realistically useable by outsiders
12:11:02 <sebas> yep
12:11:06 <sebas> good thinking
12:11:25 <sebas> I'll go before romangg
12:11:42 <sebas> - triaged a bunch of kscreen bugs
12:11:42 <sebas> - finally able to reproduce the "plasma doesn't adapt to vm host window" problem
12:11:42 <sebas> - working on fixing this bug, but waiting for neon to be rebuilt
12:11:42 <sebas> - picking up the work on the OSD, though I started to have problems starting kwayland, will check with mgraesslin
12:12:28 <sebas> so wrt the dynamic modes stuff, the short version is that a resizing vm host window adds and removes mode from the virtual monitor hardware, and in libkscreen the list of modes is static and not supposed to ever change for a given output
12:12:57 <sebas> some massaging to make it more dynamic is already in, but I can now finally reproduce this exact behavior, so fix should be easy
12:13:04 <sebas> famous last words notwithstanding
12:13:36 <sebas> will be a bit of work but I want to be able to build / test directly in the vm
12:14:11 <sebas> that's it from my side
12:14:27 <sebas> ow, and I also got some vacation days left, may be gone for a few more days in December
12:14:40 <sebas> romangg: you there now?
12:14:42 <romangg> I worked on the touchpad kcm in wayland. lots of new stuff to learn for me again so progress is slow. but it's steady: I integrate it in the old kcm and it switches the backend and gui (wayland one is qml based) if in wayland session.
12:14:58 <romangg> that's it
12:15:10 <Sho_> romangg: looking forward to the fruits of your labor
12:15:19 <Sho_> my underconfigured wayland touchpad is ready
12:15:20 <Sho_> ;)
12:15:33 <romangg> hehe. i hope i can finish it this week
12:15:56 <Sho_> aye, will try to help out with code review
12:16:08 <sebas> romangg: awesome stuff, thanks for taking care of that!
12:16:27 <romangg> not to forget: d_ed helps me with dbus stuff!
12:16:38 <bshah> romangg: also congrats on getting selcted in SoK ;) (slightly OT)
12:16:42 <sebas> I think we're done otherwise, anybody else I'm forgetting?
12:16:49 <romangg> ah yea. thx! :D
12:16:52 <pepo> recent multiscreen changes landed in openSUSE repos, and openSUSE developers said they fix some issues, but not all. It is possible that KWin needs similar fixes; applications tend to open on the wrong screen.
12:17:02 <Sho_> apol isn't here, ivan|home you maybe?
12:17:17 <Sho_> Riddell, any release stuff for us?
12:17:23 <sebas> is some kind of holiday today btw?
12:17:33 <Sho_> not sure, mgraesslin said he had a day off
12:17:37 <Riddell> Sho_: 5.8.4 next week
12:17:38 <romangg> bshah: I just have to finish the touchpad work so I can begin my work on this project again... ^_^
12:17:53 <sebas> here, "it's rainy november monday and it's cold"-"holiday" ;)

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