Proposal:, a repository of contributed libraries

Kevin Krammer krammer at
Sun May 29 11:17:16 UTC 2016

On Saturday, 2016-05-28, 16:05:46, kdea wrote:

> They suggested me to upload the library to the "Qt Components" section of
> , so I did it, and the library is now available to other
> developers.

Wouldn't it make much more sense to register it with as a central 
place for Qt libraries/components instead of spreading over many sites?

> Anyway, in the debate at Plasma-devel mailing list, I pointed out two
> things:
> - Having all types of libraries in one or two sections ("Qt Components"
>   and "Qt Widgets") is not good, because it will be hard for developers
>   to browse/find libraries.

Those should probably filter criteria instead of categories.
A developer might be looking for a functional block, or look for something for 
UI, etc.

> For the first solution (add more sections to and
> ), I would propose the following:
> - :
>     - Create a new section "Qt Libraries".  (sections are on the left column
> of the page)
>     - Create the following subsections under the "Qt Libraries" section:
>         Qt 5 C++ libs
>         Qt 5 QML libs
>         Qt 5 C++/QML libs
>         Qt 4 C++ libs
>         Qt 4 QML libs
>         Qt 4 C++/QML libs

Version should also be a filter criteria instead of a categorie, IMHO.
Also why make the language the deciding criteria instead of what the component 
is for? I.e. is it for UI or is to for networking, etc.

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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