plasma-desktop on other environments (bis)

René J. V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Sat May 28 20:48:22 UTC 2016

Martin Klapetek wrote:

> That's not what I'm telling anyone at all.

Great. It's not always clear how literally to take statements (or not, 
apparently :))

I think I don't need convincing for the rest but always agreed with that.

> But if you're going to split events out from plasma_workspace.notifyrc,
> split them to per-platform files and modify those dialog events
> to use the sound the platform uses *by default*.

It that's possible and feasible, then yeah, let's. 

Doing this in rc files means hardcoding a sound name/file, right? It'd be even 
nicer if we could somehow use the user's choice for that default sound. That 
could be QApplication::beep() or something more intricate, but how would you 
store that in the rc file?


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