status of kde/plasma kiosk framework in kf5

Kai Uwe Broulik kde at
Wed May 25 09:22:32 UTC 2016

Hi Thomas, 

just wanted to give you a quick update. I have just merged the last patch of our big kiosk fixes pile.

The following fixes will land in the next Plasma and/or kde frameworks release :

* Leave option in desktop toolbox honors kiosk restriction
* KRunner will be completely disabled (eg won't start at all) when restricted, so you can't bypass that by calling over DBus directly
* Typing on empty desktop will not try to call krunner if restricted 
* krunner history will be disabled if lineedit_text_completion is restricted 
* Kickoff favorites cannot be rearranged/added/removed when unlockedDesktop is restricted 
* Kickoff applications cannot be edited or added as launcher to task bar when unlockedDesktop is restricted, the "edit applications" context menu will also be hidden then
* most applets now won't offer context menu entries about modules restricted via kde control module restrictions. Clicking would already not do anything as we already block launching them but we now avoid a dead menu entry
* right-clicking menu bar can no longer bypass "hide toolbars" restriction

(Hope I didn't forget anything)

As for the always-shown Activities entry, can you try whether action/manage activities=false (note the space) works? I'm not sure if we handle spaces there properly. 

David is also currently patching all of our applications so they use the kiosk keys in the documentation (most erroneously used action/ prefix for everything).

If you have any further questions or problems, don't hesitate to ask, we're happy to help you.

Kai Uwe

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